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an automatic rifle of Soviet origin

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MR LOWIES: You shot at them and they died and you shot at them with an AK47?
... had a situation, let's just take an example for instance, a commander gives an attack, he says "look, you must go and assassinate X" gives him an AK47 and issues the order. X then goes - I mean the operative goes with a rifle and assassinates X and three other people who happen to be sitting ...
(c) (Second applicant is granted amnesty for the offences of having been in unlawful possession of an AK47 assault rifle and an R1 rifle, a 12 bore shotgun and the possession of ammunition for the aforesaid rifles and shotgun.)
MR VAN ZWEEL: Those persons were armed with AK47 rifles and they all had magazines, the weapons were cocked. Hand grenades were also found, two.
CHAIRPERSON: And did you have an AK47 or did you have a pistol? What sort of firearm?
MR LAX: And whether he was killed in Boputhatswana or not, it would have been a matter or concern that here is another policeman murdered, AK47 are used, all that information was known.
They asked me as to what they had used. I just mentioned all these AK47, whatever came to my head. I said no, they have hidden those firearms and they realised that I was laying. They just wanted - before you could just extract this communism in your head, we are not going to leave you.
MR XULU: Yes, I gave them one AK47.
MR BERGER: That night there were people armed with AK47's, shotguns, other rifles, is that correct?
MR PRINSLOO: No, not the AK47. The AK applied to the third applicant.
i) Possession of an AK47 rifle;
... of ammunition. We heard talk of people making their own home made firearms and the only ammunition you have primarily spoken about, have been AK47 ammunition. I wondered whether as part of the ordinance, efforts were made to obtain for example most home made firearms would use shotgun ...
... that the group of attackers be allowed to move through the township. On their journey through the township, the group fired at residents with AK47 rifles. A young boy was killed and several people injured. Applicant fled from the attackers as he was unarmed. He collected some ...
MR MADONDO: An AK47 rifle.
We got into the vehicle. We were armed with weapons. We had an AK47, which was given to Wilson Mtetwa and I was given a 9mm pistol".
... are clear indicia(?) of surrounding circumstances, for instance the evidence of the other co-applicants that Hashe disclosed the existence of an AK47 at his sister's house. Now that, and I make the submission that if we assume that these people were, the victims were fearless of the security ...
MR PIENAAR: Col de Kock immediately ran to the vehicle. I followed him, so did the other members. Mr Theron had a light which followed afterwards, he didn't shine the light from the beginning. The front door of the kombi went open and a person emerged with an AK47 gun in his hands.
... and that would have to be of Russian or Eastern Block origin. I think that we used between 36 and 37 AKM's, that is another version of the AK47, because the ANC was exclusively using AKM's with regard to their internal operations. The landmines and the ammunition also had to be checked ...
"... below the body of the black man there was an AK47",
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