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KwaZulu Police (KZP)

The KZP was created in February 1981 and had jurisdiction over the largest and most populous dormitory townships in KwaZulu. From its inception, it displayed an open bias towards Inkatha (later the IFP). Later it contributed to political violence in KwaZulu/Natal by assaulting, shooting and carrying out other unlawful acts against township residents perceived to support the UDF, by failing to intervene to stop attacks carried out by Inkatha against perceived supporters of the UDF, ANC and allied organisations, and by disrupting funerals, memorial services and meetings of non-Inkatha groups.

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... in the Eshowe area had been killed.  A number of IFP boys got together among which were two brothers of Mahaye, a man Ngema who was in the KwaZulu police force and one Thokazani Ntuli.  One of the brothers of Mahaye, Kusakusa, was also a policeman.  They met in the scrapyard of ...
... at about 19h00.  In that operation I was assisted by the ANC members that I have mentioned above.  Those members I have mentioned hated the KwaZulu Police for their conspiracy of killing.  I was a man who was in charge of this operation and it was established by ...
... the reason that there was political violence in kwaMakutha, between the ANC and IFP. We were under attack from the IFP who were colluding with the KwaZulu Police. The situation was so bad that I also had to flee my home, then go into hiding. Therefore the reason we went to rob the shop was ...
2. The throwing of an F1 defensive grenade through the window of a house in Z section Umhlazi, in an attempt to kill one Nkanyiso Malinga and two other members of the KwaZulu Police ("KZP") on 11 June 1990.
... time? --- Yes, Mr Chairman. We had in the same office at the time myself, Colonel J H Buchner, who later became the Commissioner of Police in KwaZulu-Natal, Lieutenant Colonel H D Baker, Trevor Baker, Lieutenant-Colonel Rolf van Rensburg, myself, and a Captain Willie Botha. There was an ...
... by the South African Security Police. After debriefing by the debriefing team which was usually Col Jack Buchner, the later Commissioner of the KwaZulu police and Col (indistinct) Baker, retired as a Brigadier, they were the two people who were usually debriefing the ANC ...
... to destroy popular, legal organisations in the townships; they were also deployed to crush resistance to the "independence" of KwaNdebele. In KwaZulu, the same period saw the emergence of a related phenomenon - the "warlords." Ebenezer Maqina's counter-mobilisation group, the AmaAfrika ...
... say that the pressure was probably most intense on the Security Branch divisional commanders, especially in hot spots such as the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu Natal and Johannesburg. In this context results became far more important than legality. The 11th Commandment was well known, especially to ...
MR LAX: Well you see General what puzzles us is how this, and these occurrences, were so widespread in so many of the jurisdictions, whether it was KwaZulu Natal, take Trust Feed for example, whether it was the Seven Day War in our Province; whether it was a whole range of these other incidents ...
(Inaudible) ... Police or the KwaZulu Police? --- It was South African Police.
... that you have the greatest faith in your investigators because it’s been mentioned at other times particularly in regard to what’s happening in KwaZulu Natal - the term third force has been used even by our President, now is that possible. Let me just make one more point, we’ve had ...
... another example of a "false flag" operation: one of many launched on ANC or IFP-supporting communities to precipitate or perpetuate conflict in the KwaZulu/Natal Province. This factor is relevant not only to the post-1990 period, but also to the pockets of violence enduring in the ...
... on 20th of November. The township manager had complained. We were told that water and services should be included in the rent, but because the KwaZulu Government they took out the water, rent and rates, and we said, "Why are these things separated?" And GM took up that case, and they killed ...
Other residents of the kwaMadala hostel were present. Only the men of the kwaMadala hostel were present. Dlamini was accompanied by a member of the kwaZulu police, Gabelo, who was his bodyguard. Did that not happen?
ADV DE JAGER: If you consider them now, how could you say we could resolve the position in KwaZulu Natal? Would it serve a purpose to send in hundreds of police and the defence force - under the present circumstances?
will be beaten up, taken, arrested for the night and all those things. That was not political but these were the brutalities that were committed by KwaZulu Police to the general ...
MR McADAM: Well General I don't want to give evidence myself but for many years in this period I was a member of the attorney general's office in KwaZulu Natal as well as a serving member of a civilian Defence Force unit which was employed to try and bring the violence in that region to an end. And ...
CHAIRPERSON: ...where there may be general lawlessness in any particular part of the country, in KwaZulu Natal, some particular pocket there might be general lawlessness and the police go there to quell the situation, you don't call that a war situation do you? You don't equate that as a war?
... of all newspaper interests in South Africa. Finally, Mr Chairman, we were asked how our newspapers had approached the question of violence in KwaZulu Natal and elsewhere. I am, quite simply, not in a position to answer that question, because, as we have stated, it is never and has never ...
... residents of the Kwamadala Hostel were present. Only the men of the Kwamadala Hostel were present. Dlamini was accompanied by a member of the Kwazulu police, Gabelo, who was his ...
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