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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Then at seven o' clock we left with my husband. We went at the 16th, the way they directed us. We found many people on the street. They were looking at, they were surprised. When we arrived there we saw one policeman who was standing in one of the houses. That house was riddled with bullets ...
MR BOTHA: Is this an all inclusive list or is it that you may be mistaken about the names of some of the people and where you incorrectly are nominating people who were present and that you have omitted persons who were indeed present?
The Amnesty Committee is of the opinion that the families of the deceased referred to in Counts 5, 6, 7 and 8 and the people that were injured referred to in Counts 9 and 10 and Gary Atkinson, the co-owner and manager of the Heidelberg Tavern are victims in relation to the incident and they are ...
MR MANTHATA: Elizabeth, you maintain that he used to assist the MK cadres, do you perhaps remember the name of just one of those people he assisted?
MR MORUPISI: Our intention was not to kill these people, it was to take these people and bring them back to the community where they stayed because they were not staying in Bekkersdal, they were staying in Carltonville.
Norman does not stay at home. He comes now and again. They called him and requested his ID. They then said you are a member of the Dodo family. He said yes. They then said they want guns. He said he does not know anything about guns. They beat him up. They beat him up, threw him into the ...
On this day of the 11th of August 1976 it was in the afternoon around 3:00 pm. We saw student going up and down the streets. We tried to ask, we were told that these students were trying to burn up the bars because they blamed the bars for the deterioration of black people. Yes they did demolish ...
4.1 They stole the vehicle (i) so as to be able to move around, (ii) to steal or rob people or institutions of weapons on a small scale and later, using these ill-gotten weapons (iii) attack bigger depots for more weapons and then (iv) arm as many people as they would have in the meantime recruited ...
And as we have heard your instructions then were to try to prevent the attack and to arrest people.
These people went to attack. It was the two Applicants and one Mtangwenyawo. The first Applicant knocked at the door. The deceased opened the door, the second Applicant then fired a shot at him. After that they all left and sent back to Luthuli's house.
MR NGWENYA: Chairperson on the 3rd of January 1987 we were from the funeral of Comrade Joel and Bhumgame Radebe. Yes, we came to agreement that there are certain important people who were important in the opposition that was ...(indistinct) our fellow comrades. We should kill them. Unfortunately ...
3. All the applicants were members of a political party and acted against people they believed to be their political opponents. Although they aver that they received an order to kill the deceased, the Committee cannot find that such an order was explicitly given,but on evidence, it is clear that ...
testified or attested to affidavits before us and accordingly we have no details of such people. Nevertheless, it is clear that should they come forward and satisfy the Reparation Committee that they were injured during the course of the incidents they would be entitled to be treated as victims ...
MR KHOTLE: I will start with Great Storm. Firstly, Operation Great Storm, or in the 1990's was declared the decade of intensification of the armed struggle and the people's offensive. That is where the Operation Great Storm was originated from.
MR VISSER: You mentioned to him, or mention was made that the persons wanted to go to Swaziland in order to establish contact with the ANC MK in Swaziland in order to further the people's war strategy and to entrench and promote this amongst the students in South Africa?
CHAIRPERSON: My concern Mr van den Berg, is that we would like to finish this matter. We've lost a lot of time today, we started late. I don't want to adjourn until tomorrow and then find we can't finish, because unfortunately tomorrow we will have to adjourn early because certain people have to ...
... we understood at some stage, never should start off and say that, you will recall that by that time, we had already become accustomed, or rather aware that the enemy at the time had already embarked on a program which was to turn some of our people into what we now refer to as Askaris and at ...
place called Makaleni. It was very bad, from 1985 and 1986 we couldn't sleep at night because there was war between Azapo and UDF. We would get into bed dressed, even as parents. Our children could not be at home for a long time, and I could see that Azapo and UDF were fighting because there ...
According to the applicant he was instructed by Jerome Mncwabe to do something that would scare the UDF people living in Zone One to such an extent that they would leave the area. The objective was to cause the UDF people staying in Zone One to flee the area so that it could become IFP territory. ...
me that the robbery was an operation planned by PAC or its military wing APLA. As indicated earlier, it appeared that the Police had acquired prior warning of the robbery operation. In fact various other PAC members including Horatius Motswadi and others were also arrested. During the ...
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