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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Many of the residents in this land compare us to a bunch of racists who go out to assault people. I think the time has come for us to break away from that. We want to live in peace with the other people of this nation. We want to create a future for our children and our grandchildren.
I think that it is unfortunate that remorse is not a prerequisite for amnesty because it makes it empty, but on the other hand I think that it would have been difficult to legislate remorse. It’s difficult to legislate something that people have to feel, to legislate conscience because in a way ...
All right, let me go back to Cape Town and I want to ask both of you in Cape Town. Can you imagine, this is now two years after the process had started … let me speak for myself, because I’m hardly … I’m going to try to be very neutral, but I’m not because I’ve lived with this process ...
My life since then has been very, very difficult. It’s had a big element of self destruction. I’ve been through two marriages. I have a daughter. But really I’ve just destroyed the people around me, my friends, my family and I think it’s enough now.
Gentlemen what do you say to the proposition that your statement that you issued on the 16th of February 1989 is part of a STRATCOM operation? // All I can say, for me, that’s a ridiculous proposition. I’ve made the point here that arising out of the events in Soweto I was part of the drafting ...
You know, I’m sick because I’m crying. I haven’t got even a chance to talk to you because I’m very upset. // When it comes from the horse’s mouth you know, from the person who had done the thing, really it’s touching my heart. And everybody I’m sure is touched. It is very sad, ...
There came a time of violence and fighting and he was chose to lead the people. Really, as his wife I cannot blame him, because of the way he treated me. Oh my God, he had taken care of me, even others used to call me a Mrs.
... it was your prerogative to say, if this means arrest, let it be … in those terms because we don”t want a situation arising afterwards that people will eliminate people, in the sense of killing them, when in fact what was meant was that they should be arrested or be detained. ...
I wanted the truth. Now I’ve heard the truth. I’m so happy. Look at me today, because I heard what happened to him. I know he was fighting for the people of South Africa; he wanted to free the people in South Africa, because we were oppressed.
The people were given coffee; there was a sleeping drug in it which was provided by Capt van Zyl or Lt Niewoudt. It was put in their coffee and given to them. Shortly thereafter they fell asleep and then the people were taken out of the garage one by one and they were eliminated. // Who did the ...
‘On the refusal of judges to appear before the TRC’ // We suffer still in South Africa from a view that judges somehow, just because they have become judges, are set on a pedestal and beyond criticism. I can quite understand the importance of their independence, but they speak as if they are ...
Two years later the Sanlam centre in Amanzimtoti was full of Christmas holiday makers and shoppers when a bomb hidden in the arcade went off. The ANC claimed responsibility, and later a youth Andrew Zondo was arrested, charged and hanged for the offence. Five people died in the blast, among them ...
At quarter to three in the morning my wife and I were asleep in a big double bed at the front of the house when somebody fired over the gate with an assault rifle, firing fully automatic. And it’s a dreadful sound you know, the rat-tat-tat. And there was the smell of explosive and the sound of ...
In 1976 Simon Farisani became the first black dean of Beuster House, established by white Lutheran missionaries a century before. // The message was simple, that apartheid was seen … it came from the devil and all serious people must pull their resources to support the freedom struggle of our ...
... Keith Wallace in 1970 who worked for BOSS but was then wanting to expose and was killed by them before he could do so. // They ought to come forward. They ought to be called to the Commission, put it on record so the new South Africa knows what happened then and people apologise for ...
In the three days that followed the aborted march the police and army let loose with full force on the Cape Flats. Their rampage left 28 dead. At the TRC this week many were shocked at the reminder that those killed included children. Msutu Wilson Palma’s 14 year old daughter Priscilla was shot ...
... is serving a long term of imprisonment and it is I think in our opinion very important that he should be represented so that his case can be put forward as best as it ought to be. A number of the applicants might not be particularly well educated people, might not be sufficiently sophisticated in ...
And really I’ll say it. I don’t see how I can forgive this people, never ever.
Kabasa was formed by the police when they saw the youth and the people around this township so united behind the UDF, behind LOYOMO [Lowveld Youth Movement], behind the ANC. And the system thought of a way to destabilise… It really terrorised this township. It brought about divisions where people ...
Today, Harris Sibeko works in the ANC’s regional office in Worcester. // You see these stones around here, we were using these stones as weapons, because you cannot go to a gun with a knobkierie. We were using these stones, throwing these stones to the police and we were hitting the target. // ...
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