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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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REV XUNDU: Thank you Mam Qhomasi. You have your story here in this statement which is the same as what was said by other people so I am not going to bother you much by asking you to say it again. Except that I would like to confirm whether you were one of those people who were in that crowd and ...
Elizabeth, but up until now, I didn't see the child. I told these people that I wanted to see my son's child, but they didn't bring the child to me.
MS DANO: I am positive that he would be giving a list of people who had beaten him up.
MR MATHEBULA: Yes, there were people in Compol who'd intercept the post. They would fetch the post at the post office.
Everton, until the reached Zone 7 on foot because they were using shortcuts. And as I was alone at home I decided to sleep. As I was sleeping since the time he left it was about 7 o'clock, we slept with the children and his wife, at about 4 o'clock in the morning I heard a knock at my door and I ...
CHAIRPERSON: And then he said further that why they had the lunch hour is that people would go out of the building and it would minimise any casualties to civilians. I think you should put your question in perspective.
No members of the IFP were arrested. However, it was the event of the 25th that lead to the charge and conviction of the applicant for the murder of four people.
MR NORTJE: There were plantations and Hanton told me specifically that it wouldn't be a problem to leave the body there because there were not many people in the area and a possibility existed that wild animals would destroy the body ultimately.
MS YOYO: Then Card said to me, all what you are saying is not acceptable to me. I don't hear it, because I have got a lot of information about you that you go up and down the streets of East London organising people that they should be against the White rule.
MS MKHIZE: Thank you very much. By coming to the Truth Commission, what were your expectations, because a lot of people are coming and we know we must do something. But even the people are also coming with their own expectations, they need some help.
It is therefore quite clear that the deceased was not perceived by the local people as an enemy. Although the applicant contended that he was not living in the old location and it was his first visit to this location, and he had never before this incident, seen a white man in the location, we do ...
MR LAMEY: While doing street patrols in Mamelodi in order to trace these MK people, is that correct?
Similarly on the question of proportionality, the context must be considered, he submitted. In those days, Applicant argued, the mere suspicion that one was an informer attracted the most dire consequences, because people's lives and livelihood were at stake. An informer could thus not be ignored.
Applicant was asked if he could distinguish a PAC member from an ANC member, and his response was that he could not. He concluded his testimony by stating that he only realises now that they were shooting at the wrong people, explaining that it was not easy to tell ANC persons apart from other ...
Right, so they were helping you to provide a meeting where people could come and talk about their problems.
On the next day the group armed with firearms, ammunition, hand grenades and petrol bombs attacked the King William's Town Golf Club at approximately 21H50.  A year-end dinner was being held by the King William's Town Wine Circle in the dining hall and a number of people were in the bar of ...
When the fight started there was a group of 11 to 12 IFP members present who had traditional weapons. He was the only person who shot anybody. He did not hear anyone ask them if they were Zulu but fired at people who were armed to protect his comrades. He later denied he heard any shots. When ...
Both, or all these three incidents, it does appear that the applicant was in the company of a superior or of other people he regarded as his own comrades, and in execution of a mission which was tabled or which was agreed upon between the members or was the instructions, the direct instructions of ...
I was taken again from the Police Station, Vuyane Police Station. They phoned Tshitale Police Station. I was taken by the Vuyane Police people to the place called next to Elim. The Tshitale police were phoned. The Vuyane police were told that I must be tied, my hands should be tied together, ...
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