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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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I see in your manifesto, and I quote you what you just said: the National Party does not kill people, the National Party does not threaten people and again I’m sure the relatives of Steve Biko and Dulcie September and David Webster and Anton Lubowski would want me to ask you, when did you change ...
Sophiatown was representative of freedom, to live with whoever was your neighbour. // It could not last. In February 1955 trucks rolled into its exuberant centre, loaded its population and removed them to Meadowlands.
1995, Mtubatuba, an IFP stronghold. Another warzone. An assassination attempt by the IFP and KwaZulu police on ANC leader Bheki Ntuli is unsuccessful. Then they started killing his family. Then, on the 15th of September my brother’s son was also killed, Jabulani. In fact they killed two people on ...
That was a rubbish place, I want to tell you. Because mostly people who had been taken there, having a queue and you go naked, without trousers, sometimes they check you how you’re healthy and so forth. But that is another worse story, because you have to queue two to three lines, until your ...
It is perpetrated, we believe by forces that are against the talks about peace. The violence is particularly connected with Inkatha and people are saying that openly. // We need to see township violence as part of a broader strategy by the apartheid government, and I think that evidence has come to ...
For Bokaba, the perpetrators are people he knew and who had constantly threatened him about his life and ironically when their homeland shrine they were preserving has shattered they still have not approached him and asked him for forgiveness. // I feel that it’s for me to ensure that I reconcile ...
In 1968 with the launch of the Black Consciousness movement I ventured into newspaper’s news rooms. What did I find at the Rand Daily Mail? I found black people sitting in a corner designated for black journalists. Mayakiso, Mojapelo these people were put in a corner; they ate in a separate ...
Then they told me, but, it is Wallace. Then I said, ‘oh, he was in an accident. Yes. Oh Wallace was in an accident Okay’. Then I said, ‘but…’ And everybody just kept quiet. I also realized at that time how terribly difficult it must be for people to bring this kind of news. Mr. Jordaan is ...
What exactly happened that day will remain uncertain. What is certain is that a man was brutally murdered and someone killed him. // Look if only they would tell me it was an accident. It was not our aim. We did not want to kill him. We were just in a condition where we could not control ourselves. ...
Our intentions were to take these people and hit them. And that happened, but while we were beating them we found that … while this thing was happening the people were very angry, people were singing freedom songs and they were toyi-toying as well and there was just chaos. And you could not say ...
On the 28th of October this Lieutenant from the security police visited me again. He alleged that the security police had a file on Jurgens. And his words to me were, if we find him, we’ll shoot him, we’ll kill him. // On the 8th of November Hester Grobbelaar heard a radio news report of two ...
The room was full of blood, on the walls, and they said to me ‘do you see the blood on the walls?’ They said ‘this is the blood from the people like you, people who do not want to speak the truth.’ Before they could grab me they said, they asked me about Tsepho, that’s my aunt’s child. ...
In his evidence at the judicial inquest Eugene de Kock said that while he was firing bullets into the activists he prayed that they would live. He never wanted to kill them. // They could have been just ANC activists for all I know, but there was absolutely no weapons found on these people. These ...
During the 1980s the township Chesterville, south of Durban, was UDF territory. One of the people that mobilized the community was Thandi Memela. She motivated the youth, including her own son, to join the UDF and was involved in getting people out of the country and bringing in weapons. But things ...
Paul van Vuuren, one of the five policemen implicated in Richard and Busisiwe Motasi’s murder offered to meet Thsidiso. // Hi Tshidiso, how are you? // I’m fine. // I’m glad to hear that. // This is Mandla, his cousin. // Hello Mandla, how are you? // Alright. // Listen let me tell you, all ...
... times, but after his death even those who hated him came to appreciate that not only was he a communist and a fearless soldier, he was also a warm, pragmatic man and a deeply loved leader committed to lasting ...
And at night you’d lie in your bed and you’d listen to these bizarre screams and shouts and behaviour and people going quite mad in the ward next door. And it was kind of, well ‘daai klomp is bossies’ [that lot is ‘bossies.’ And it was sort of left at that you know. And I don’t think ...
Did you every sexually molest any of those people? // No. // Did you ever engage in any sexual activity with those people? // No. // Did you ever make sexual advances to them? // No.
We had another two guys who were from Natal, they escaped to Swaziland and then we were given a mission to go and hunt them down, we were given false passports, a car, a hide-out compartment to hide the weapons which we are going to use there. And then they went in, we followed them, De Kock and ...
During the conference of December 1993, that was in Umtata was it not? // That’s correct. // You say the armed struggle or the idea of the armed struggle was to continue; that was the resolution that was taken at that conference. // That’s correct. // Was that a clear signal that went out from ...
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