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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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On their own evidence they believed that Memela and his companions were trained "terrorists" armed with weapons and explosives, who had been responsible for the attack on Winnington Sabelo's family and who were en route to attack a black Counsellor. It is thus clear to us that the applicants ...
... their shotguns. The group fled and applicant and Geldenhuys were unable to effect any arrests. At a later stage during the evening they became aware of a motor vehicle which transported what appeared to be an injured person from the township. Because they were in fear of their lives, ...
All the applications comply with the requirements of the Act; the Applicants have made full disclosure of all the material facts relevant to their actions and the acts for which amnesty is sought are acts associated with a political objective. What the Applicants aimed at by preventing screening ...
Many people lost their children and many children lost their parents. We therefore thank you that you have come to share your pain with us and we also promise that we are with you at heart, thank you.
CHAIRPERSON: Mr Ngqunge you are one of the persons referred by the previous witness, not so, as being part of a group of people who embarked on these ventures. Is that correct?
This accorded to a large extent with the evidence he gave before us when he said the purpose of the attack was to promote their organisation and to take revenge against their enemies. he talked of the attack on his group which was relaxing at Gumede's house and the cars subsequent return to ...
MR SIPHO: Okay, and is it true that later that afternoon, you were part of a group of people that accosted the deceased and began assaulting her?
MR HAMMOND: Chairperson, while we were busy with discussions regarding how we would penetrate the building mention was made of a rope which we were to use. I climbed many ropes in my life but there are a number of people who don't know how to do that and it was quite high to the basement going ...
The Applicant confirmed the evidence given by the above-mentioned Applicants and testified that he, at the time a constable, operated under the orders of Captain Hechter.  The facts, briefly stated are that the deceased allegedly was a member of a cell of ANC activists, lead by Sefola, which ...
So Chairperson, I will submit that these people were not disowned by the ANC, they were doing exactly what the ANC wanted to see happening. Therefore they fall within the ambit.
[indistinct] just yet. I just want to thank you very much for coming and to hope that you will feel better as a result of having talked to us about the very bad experience that you had when you were in detention and we ask that people should treat those experiences with respect and understanding. ...
The applicant, when testifying at the hearing of this matter, stated that he joined the Azanian Peoples Liberation Army (APLA) during 1985. He stated that he was approached by his commander, one Mziwabantu Stokwe, who told him that they were going on a mission to get money and firearms. The ...
Van Zyl said that it was the view of his unit that the United Democratic Front (UDF) was responsible for politicising the people and consequently for the unrest experienced in the various Eastern Cape areas including Cradock where the Cradock Residents Association ("CRADORA") was established and ...
MR NYAKAMA: I was a secretary in our section, that is Lusaka-A. That is, I was a SANCO secretary. Our duties included listening to people's complaints and we also sat at the SANCO central level where we represented people's complaints.
And that’s signed by dr Van Heerden. I would also like it placed on record that a number of people from the community have come to us and said that dr Van Heerden is known in this community as a very caring and compassionate doctor.
During 1989 the Applicant assisted in transporting arms from Namibia to Vlakplaas.  The Applicant understood the reason to have been to prevent the arms from falling into the hands of SWAPO (the South West Africa People's Organisation).  He is unable to state whether the weapons were at that ...
The lawyer of the accused just talked and thereafter and the Magistrate although said but the interpreter told me that these people were found not guilty. The one thing that hurt me my witnesses were not there, my lawyer was not there. The doctor didn’t give his statement. I just heard that the ...
MRS MTSWENI: I do not believe that it was a natural death. He was always undergoing treatment and I think there’s some substance that was coming out of his mouth. I think this was a direct result of the attack by the Inkatha people six previous years.
The applicant was a member of the underground structures of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania ("PAC") and its military wing, the Azanian People’s Liberation Army (APLA"). Between 1980 and 1990 he recruited youths for military training and harboured trained cadres of APLA who had been ...
In conclusion it has to be pointed out that this incident is a stark reminder of the price that many innocent people paid for the eventual solution of the political problem and conflict in our country.
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