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self-defence units (SDUs)

armed self-defence units set up in the early 1990s by the ANC to protect neighbourhoods

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... go out to the hall over the main loudspeakers, so everybody will hear very carefully. You needn't worry about that. Please do not remove these units from the hall. They really do not work outside the hall, they are quite useless outside the hall. They form part of a bigger system. They ...
... who were not in State structures which Jesse has mentioned also need to be looked at. Particularly the women who were used as spies to infiltrate units and who were even used in the ANC camps to inflict pain on men ... Women may have been used to serve a particular interest. Some may have done ...
"Smuggling arms (courier) from neighbouring states to reinforce the units of MK in an effort to promote the objectives of the ANC"
In the course of the next week we were dealing with various police units and each one of them dealt with this missing persons case. On the 28th of October this Lieutenant from the security police visited me again and he alleged that the security police had a file on Jurgens and that he had been ...
... and his unit had been planning various operations, including the attack upon the Yeoville Police Station. He was a regional commander with several units under his command. On 26 May 1993 the security forces launched a series of raids and operations against the PAC and APLA. This was during the ...
MR VISSER: And that was chiefly about Ndwandwe's activities from Swaziland as manifested in units in the Port Natal area?
record with regards to this, because they say, the African National Congress said quite clearly, tactical intelligence was the responsibility of the units on the ground. Even if they did that reconnaissance badly, it is the way they did it. Unfortunately I, as Commander, may have failed in my ...
... back then. This war was the war of the captains, most of those who were applying for amnesty had the rank of captain, they were the commanders of units and they have been thrown to the wolves. They were never given any kind of psychological ...
... and the 2nd Applicant respectively, had asked Congress to introduce them to Mr Mazibuko and John Mlangeni, as they were wanting to establish units to defend the community. They requested the witness assemble fifteen persons for the unit in the Duduza area. The witness and John Mlangeni ...
I can't say that all were implicated directly in the planning and execution of the murder, but they've all been involved in the same security force units indicating a knowledge of who was responsible and a failure to disclose the knowledge, thereby becoming parties to the conspiracy to protect ...
MR NTSEBEZA: But did you ever meet as heads of these operational units to discuss matters of joint operations on a daily basis because it seems to me that in, this is the impression that you created certainly in some of the statements that you gave earlier in connection with this matter?
MR LAX: My question if I can be more specific is, were there members from any other areas there, in addition to, or units, in addition to Task Force and Vlakplaas, as far as you can recall?
MR JANSEN: And to give a brief summary of that, on a daily basis information was sent through various channels from the various units and the various specialised divisions to a central point at head office, all the time.
MR OLIFANT: Excuse me. I was actually selected into one of the units which was supposed to have attacked a certain target, outskirts of Gaberone, but during that night since it was dark and the way to the target it was so difficult, we could not locate our target and as we did not want to just go ...
MR MASERUMULE: Yes we were a unit of 17, we were given a mission to go and clear a route from Swaziland into Tonga. There was a military base of anti-insurgents units in Tonga. According to information we were given, when the unit was being grouped.
MR HATTINGH: And in this manner did you also receive weaponry of Eastern Block origin from other units or branches?
... the Committee, because this is something that may not be well known about Vlakplaas, a while before it was disbanded as a Unit, the Unit became two Units so to speak and operated from two different premises apparently. Could you explain briefly what happened there, just so that we can create the ...
... presently the North-West Province. The late Chris Hani, Chief-of-Staff, deployed him in the then North-Eastern Transvaal to establish and command units of ...
... for military activities" and in the application he described himself as a member of the ANC Liberation Army who had commanded various units for twenty (20) years.  This application was received before the cut-off date, 30 September 1997, although it was only attested to on the ...
MR ERASMUS: That is not correct, everybody were members of the South African Police Force, few people were part of certain units but all of them were policemen.
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