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Special Report
Transcripts for Section 1 of Episode 19

00:14Some of the saddest stories in history are of those who died as the freedom they fought for became a reality, the casualties of the last day of war. Bisho, 1992 was such a story, actually 28 of those stories. Freedom and democracy were upon us when those people were gunned down by Ciskei’s soldiers during one of the last big freedom marches before the election. We’ll focus on the unanswered questions around the Bisho massacre tonight. We’re also taking you into the madness of blind racism, a madness that destroyed the lives of four brothers and their two victims. And we show you how American talk show host, Oprah Winfrey, had her own mini truth commission recently. But first, meet the victim who is also a perpetrator. Leonard Veenendal moved the audience at this week’s Truth Commission’s sitting in Newcastle with his description of police torture. But there a few facts about himself that Veenendal didn’t tell and the Truth Commission didn’t ask either for some reason. My ...moreFull Transcript
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