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DE WET, Peter

Age 29

A local ANC and ANCYL executive member who was severely beaten and choked by named SAP members in Villiersdorp, Cape, on 18 September 1993.

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... days and of all the times she’s been in and out of Africa the last four or five years that this happened. And I think, you know, we were totally devastated… // What Linda says is true. If we hadn’t been expecting Amy in a couple of days it might not have been such a shock. // Things that ...
This episode starts with the Amnesty Committee hearings held in Johannesburg (7 to 11 April) and covers the amnesty applications of two paramilitary right wingers, Leo Froneman and Peter Harmse, for the 1993 Bronkhorstspruit bomb attack and that of Daveyton Youth Congress member, Phineas Ndlovu, ...
This episode includes reports on the killing of the Gugulethu Seven and the 1985 Pollsmoor march, the focus of HRV hearings held in Cape Town (from 26 to 28 November). The segment includes testimonies from eye witnesses and policemen involved with the Gugulethu incident and historical footage of ...
The episode begins with a background report and interview with former superspy and amnesty applicant, Craig Williamson, who during the 1980s worked for the foreign section of the SAP's security branch, Military Intelligence and finally the State Security Council. The segment includes an interview ...
At the funeral of Stompie I said that his death was an unspeakable crime and that these past few weeks have probed beneath the surface of South Africa’s shame over these past couple of years. The primary cancer may be and was and will always be the apartheid oppression, but that secondary ...
... morale. And so what I came up with as a young political activist getting involved in the whole exciting area in the late sixties, with the Paris student revolt, with the marches and the demonstrations on Vietnam, all of that kind of student radicalism was the idea of using direct action protest, ...
Peter Hain, labeled ‘public enemy no 1’ by NP, on the state’s dirty tricks abroad (also submitted to the TRC)
Former spy Peter Casselton
Yes he was seen certainly as a peace maker, a reconciler but the other side I’m afraid certainly did not like his position as an activist, so he’d been marked for a long time. And I suppose people monitoring his movements decided that this was an opportunity that they should use. And certainly ...
Witchcraft is a particularly serious problem in the Northern Province. The widow and son of northern Transvaal UDF leader Peter Nchabeleng testified about his death in police detention in 1986. But Peter Nchabeleng was far more than just a political leader in Sekhukhuneland land. He was also an ...
This week, for the first time ever in the life of the Truth Commission a policeman voluntarily took the stand to give supporting evidence. Capt Peter John Clayton had been on duty the night Adri Faas was shot. He told the Truth Commission what had happened that evening. // I cannot remember ...
Many former policemen were involved in violations of human rights during the apartheid years. Only a few can tell the broader story of what happened and why. Foremost amongst these is Craig Williamson. Tonight we bring you a background report and an interview with the once famous superspy. We have ...
Pretoria school boy in the 1960s. Radical socialist branded South Africa’s public enemy number one in the 1970s. Now, in the 1990s, waiting in the wings to lead the British. Peter Hain is a member of parliament and a shadow minister for the labour party in Britain. When the labour party takes ...
‘In fact matters didn’t end there. In fact, Hain and other anti-apartheid activists triggered off a worldwide vendetta against South African sportsmen’ // Well the sports boycott and my identification with organising it hit them so hard that some response was perhaps inevitable and so I got a ...
Steve Biko’s comrade in the Black Consciousness Movement, Peter Jones, recalled the serenity of his friend and denied that Biko would have started a fight. // If I should describe Steve Biko in a word I would describe him as calm, as mature and as a leader, an outstanding visionary who always ...
... but their pledged their support for the Truth and Reconciliation process. // We unabashedly support the process which we recognize to be unprecedented in contemporary human history. // The Biehl’s who say they are committed to continuing Amy’s work for women’s rights in South Africa ...
... workshop in Johannesburg. And he said he had to leave early and a couple of minutes later we all heard a couple of shots that initially sounded like a backfiring, but within 30 seconds there were a number of other shots. And I said ”no, those are gun shots” and I ran outside to the ...
Why were you selected? // Who knows, no I had the credentials, I’m a qualified pilot, I’m a commercial pilot. I was familiar with England. I worked there for many years. I’m a British subject, I was born in England and I fitted the bill.
... simply wanting to steal her vehicle. // We, Claire’s family strongly believe that this was a political killing. Amnesty International has made a major campaign based on the same belief and the whole style of the killing from the evidence collected seems to be that of a hit. It was fast, ...
... you his name because it’s not the way I operate, but he worked for me for years. He was a professor at Wits and he fell afoul of the law. They made him an offer that he couldn’t refuse, either go to jail or go to Spain and work for us, so he worked for me in Spain. // What did these agents ...
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