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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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I was aware that the attempted abduction of persons from Swaziland was illegal, I accept that the killing of these persons was illegal and throughout I was aware that, where arrests be executed, that the chances were great that these persons would be armed and that they would resist. I then ...
My submission is that the victim might have scars, but that does not necessarily mean that those scars were occasioned by the applicant. On his own admission, that is the victim, he has been assaulted by a number of people, but all the people that assaulted him over the years, caused only minimal ...
MR BORAINE: It is a very sad story of what happened in many townships during the height of the conflict when people were necklaced and this is the experience you have had and you have come to tell us about it.
MR NDLUNGWANE: Well basically immediately after the unbanning of the African National Congress, there was this scourge of violence and those MK comrades who were back at the time, met at certain instances to discuss about the situation and a decision was then taken that people should be armed and ...
MR NONGENA: We were 17 people here in town who got arrested. We were going to attack boers in the charge office. I was one of the leaders of that group. The boers were treating us badly at the time. When we arrived in the charge office, the gate was too small. I was one of the people who ...
PROFESSOR MEIRING: Mrs Ndlebe, thank you for coming. We have heard so many stories today about the same event, about that fateful night, the vigil, the massacre, the people involved. And now you have come and you have brought your daughter-in-law Sebongele with you. Will you please relax and tell ...
the liberation of our country and for our people, but he got ill treatment while they were in the custody of the police. We thank you for coming forward so that you can tell the Commission and the country as a whole. The main aim of the Commission is to when you tell your story so that the whole ...
GEN LE ROUX: Yes, I think so. If there should be bomb threats, the people showing the film would perhaps become aware of possible problems which could have resulted and that would possibly have caused them not to show the movie.
At about 20 to eight, when I was still in the house, one of his friends, Mandla Sithole who worked with him came and said there is a problem. There was violence in Thembisa. Rufus was one of the people who was in that violence. There was a company car hi-jacked. Rufus went there and when he ...
MR MATJILA: In 1985 I met with Cosas members singing at school. It was the first time I supported them. I joined the Cosas organisation. They killed one boy in 1985. Things went on. In 1986, it was in December, we were attending a night vigil on 19th Avenue at Jingles Magoti's house. Whilst ...
ADV GCABASHE: Anything related to housing, which is another activity that we've heard about at these hearings, assisting people to relocate, did you have anything to do with that at all?
MR LEWIN: Thank you Mr Chair. Morning Mr Morare. Sorry. Morning Mr Morare. Thank you very much for coming to join us and to tell your story. You have seen the way in which people are enabled here to tell their stories. I just want to confirm that you are going to tell us about an incident ...
... stop which is found at the entrance as one enters Sangweni Section in Tembisa. This incident took place at approximately 19H00, applicant is not aware of or he does not recall the early date nor does he recall the exact month, he however mentioned that it was on or about September ...
MR RAMMBWA: I went to the deceased's home in order to ask him to leave the Village and the deceased refused to leave the Village. Before further talks can be pursued, the deceased started to throw the spear to the crowd and the stones and he was also using the assegai and then the people threw the ...
The PAC regarded the killing of Amy Biehl as a mistake committed by young people who were misguided. They nevertheless supported the application for Amnesty.
While schooling I didn’t have sleep at all because the police would come home - I didn’t know where he was sleeping because he didn’t sleep at home. But when I prepared myself for work he would come and prepare himself for school. I didn’t know what was happening because he wasn’t fond of ...
The Applicant was not inside the hall when the shooting occurred and could not give evidence as to what happened there. What he had been told by others is clearly hearsay. Suffice to say, that the Applicant says he takes full responsibility for the actions of his comrades. He said that UNITRA ...
MRS NHLAYISI: On your arrival at this house, who were the people who were present there, busy questioning the victim, can you remember the names?
We very - we very happy that - at least you are still able to have come and to come and repeat the story that you have told many times, but it was very important to get you here today, because behind you - seated in the first two or three rows are the next of kin, the family of people that was ...
On the 1st of May in 1990 I was coming from hospital after an operation - I was discharged in the morning. When I got home I laid down and I sent Vuyo to the shop to buy bread. Whilst lying there I heard some sounds from a certain direction - their were bullet sounds. They kept on, then I stood ...
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