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Upington 26

Twenty-six people were charged with participation in the crowd killing of Municipal Policeman Lucas 'Jetta' Sethwala in Paballelo, Upington, on 13 November 1985. Of the 25 convicted of murder on the basis of common purpose, 14 were sentenced to death. The twenty-sixth person was convicted of attempted murder. The death sentences were later overturned on appeal and most were given prison terms instead. Those serving prison terms were later released as political prisoners.

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An ANC street committee member who was beaten and subjected to electric shock torture by members of the SAP in February 1990 while in detention for three months in Johannesburg. Police wanted information about street committee meetings and they were allegedly aiding the Rasta vigilante gang who ...
... with twenty five others with the crowd killing of a Municipal Policeman on 13 November 1985 in Paballelo, Upington, Cape. Charged as one of the Upington 26, Mr Khumalo and thirteen others received the death penalty. They spent two years on death row before the death sentence was overturned on ...
... and charged, with twenty five others, with the crowd killing of a Municipal Policeman in Paballelo, Upington, Cape, on 13 November 1985. One of the Upington 26, he was convicted and, with 13 others including his wife, received the death penalty, spending two years on death row before the ...
Was arrested and charged with twenty five others known as the Upington 26 after the crowd killing of a Municipal Policeman in Pabalello, Upington, Cape, on 13 November 1985. Mr Yona and thirteen others received the death penalty, spending two years on death row before his sentence was commuted to a ...
A youth activist who was shot dead in Paballelo, Upington, Cape, on 17 July 1987, allegedly by Municipal Policemen who were patrolling the township. He had been constantly harassed and assaulted by Upington police from 1985 to 1987.
Was arrested and charged with twenty five others, known as the Upington 26, after the crowd killing of a Municipal Policeman on 13 November 1985 in Paballelo, Upington, Cape. Mr Xabandlini and thirteen others received the death penalty, spending two years on death row before being released on ...
Was arrested on 3 December 1985 in Upington, Cape, and spent long periods in custody while on trial with twenty five others, known as the Upington 26, after the crowd killing of a member of the Municipal Police. Mr Witbooi was given a suspended sentence which was later overturned on appeal.
arrested by members of the SAP in Upington, Cape, on 3 December 1985, and held for more than three years awaiting trial for the crowd killing of a Municipal Policeman. One of the Upington 26, Mr Swartbooi was sentenced to community service, and was acquitted on appeal.
A COSAS member who was severely beaten after his arrest by named SAP members in Upington, Cape, on 13 November 1985. He was again arrested and beaten in December. One of the Upington 26, Mr Bekebeke, spent long periods in custody while on trial before receiving a suspended sentence.
... beaten and charged, with 25 others, with the crowd killing of a Municipal Policeman in Paballelo, Upington, Cape, on 13 November 1985. One of the Upington 26, he was convicted and sentenced to death, along with 13 others. He spent two years on death row before the death sentence was overturned ...
He fired shots at the crowd and tried to run away but was caught and beaten with his gun before being set alight. Twenty-six residents, known as the Upington 26, were later arrested and 25 convicted of murder on the basis of common purpose. Fourteen of the accused were sentenced to death, ...
... suspended sentence. Ms De Bruin was arrested with others in Upington, Cape, in November 1985 and charged with murder in what became known as the ‘Upington 26’ trial. Twenty five were convicted of common purpose; fourteen were sentenced to death. One of the fourteen applied for amnesty for the ...
Was severely beaten by SAP members in Upington, Cape, on 3 December 1985, after which he was charged, with 25 others, for the crowd killing of a Municipal Policeman. One of the Upington 26, Mr Sakia was sentenced to six years’imprisonment, overturned on appeal.
Was arrested in Upington, Cape, on 3 December 1985, and spent long periods in custody during the trial of the Upington 26. At the conclusion of the trial, he was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment, overturned on appeal.
Was beaten by members of the SAP in Paballelo, Upington, Cape, on 13 November 1985. With twenty five others, he was charged for the crowd killing of a Municipal Policeman, and was sentenced to six years in prison, overturned on appeal in 1991. See Upington 26.
Was arrested in Upington, Cape, on 3 December 1985, and spent long periods in custody while on trial for the crowd killing of a Municipal Policeman. One of the Upington 26, Mr Kazi was given a suspended sentence, which was later overturned on appeal.
Was shot dead by a named member of the SAP in Paballelo, Upington, Cape, on 16 November 1985, during unrest in the township.
Was shot, arrested and severely beaten by named members of the SAP in Upington, Cape, on 11 November 1985. He was later convicted of public violence and sentenced to eight months’ imprisonment.
An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by members of the SAP in Paballelo, Upington, Cape, in August 1992, during an ANCYL demonstration against the municipality.
Was shot and severely injured in the head by a named member of the SAP in Upington, Cape, on 15 June 1986, while youth were singing and toyi-toying on the eve of the commemoration of Soweto uprising. He lost an eye in the shooting. See Soweto uprising.
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