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Operation KatzenExplanation ... to cooperate politically/militarily”. A “Top Secret” NIS document on Katzen, which appears to have been drafted during rather than after the operation, lists those involved in or aware of Katzen as including President PW Botha, SADF chief General Jannie Geldenhuys, army chief general Kat ... Operation Katzen 292. Brigadier Christoffel Pierre ‘Joffel’ van der Westhuizen devised Operation Katzen90 in response to intense pressure from high-ranking members of the security forces and the political leadership of the National Party to stablise the security situation in the Eastern Cape. ... Surrogate-force insurgency operations 174 The SADF’s surrogate-force operations in the 1980s fell under the Directorate of Special Tasks (DST) in the office of the chief of staff intelligence (CSI). (These bodies are discussed in more detail elsewhere in this volume). 175 The DST had its ... ... and Brigadier Christoffel Pierre ‘Joffel ’ van der Westhuizen, Officer Commanding Eastern Province Command applied for amnesty for Operation Katzen, an attempt to establish a surrogate force in the Eastern Cape as well as the overthrow of the Ciskei government of Lennox Sebe. ... ... methods against the liberation movements. “I did discuss the plan with General Geldenhuys. I was under the impression that it was approved. Operations were then launched in line with the plan,” Joubert told the Commission’s armed forces hearing. The Eastern Cape, along with Northern ... ... the Lesotho Liberation Army and assistance to Zimbabwean dissidents. In 1985, an internal dimension was added to the functions of the DST with Operations Marion (support for Inkatha) and Katzen (counter-insurgency operations in the Eastern Cape) being added to the portfolio of ... ... South African security force personnel were implicated in fuelling a series of cross-border raids between Ciskei and Transkei during the SADF’s Operation Katzen. By the end of the period, Major General Bantu Holomisa of the TDF had engineered the first successful coup when he deposed Stella ... ... years on - Human Rights and the fiction of ‘independence’, Vol III, Issue no. 16, 20 December 1991. Military policy: destabilisation through Operation Katzen 132 In January 1983, Brigadier Christoffel Pierre ‘Joffel’ van der Westhuizen moved to Port Elizabeth to take over as officer ... ... eight children. The Alexandra Treason Trial of five UDF activists begins in January (and continues until their acquittal in April 1989).
In Operation Katzen, Transkei Defence Force (TDF) troops attack Ciskei president Lennox Sebe’s palace in January. In a failed attempt to abduct or ... ... TDF attack on the Ciskei president Lennox Sebe’s palace in January 1987; this was later revealed to have been planned by the SADF as part of Operation Katzen. 172 At the same time, national politicians publicly warned of the possibility of illegal security force actions against ... ... examples of operations designed to create, bolster or train ‘middle groups’ to counter the revolutionary threat were Operation Marion and Operation Katzen. The former was fully implemented; the latter only partially. Both operations were run as DST 2 projects with input and training ... ... communities. This took a variety of forms. It included Operation Marion, in which a paramilitary and offensive capacity was given to Inkatha; Operation Katzen, which aimed to overthrow the existing homeland governments in the Ciskei and Transkei and establish a regional resistance movement ... ... in Somerset East and Cookhouse, linked in the case of Somerset East to Councillor Memese, are mentioned in the documentation on Project Vallex and Operation Katzen as being covert projects of Military Intelligence aimed at creating conflict in black communities. One of the aims of such ... ... While the coup attempt by Charles Sebe was probably at least supported by the SADF and the 1987 attack on Lennox Sebe was part of the SADF’s Operation Katzen, there were a few rumblings which appear to have been independent actions. 191 In January 1987, Bantu Holomisa was in detention in ... ... Marion and the Caprivi training must thus be seen in the context of this overall State Security Council policy. A similar strategy was reflected in Operation Katzen and support for vigilante groups. Covert support for anti-UDF/ ANC groupings was well established by the 1990 and was seen as ... ... a coup against his brother, Ciskei President Lennox Sebe, is broken out of jail in 1986 with the assistance of South African security forces during Operation Katzen.
The UDF campaign, ‘Forward to People’s Power’, is launched involving the establishment of street committees and people’s ... ... Directorate of Covert Collections (DCC) personnel indicate that the SADF’s involvement in the destabilisation of the homelands did not end with Operation Katzen. However, as two of these applications were withdrawn and the third was decided in Chambers, little new detail emerged regarding the ... ... of the C1 (Vlakplaas) unit and from the Technical Division of Security Branch Headquarters for their participation in Eastern Cape Security Branch operations. 242. Incidents applied for include nine or possibly ten abductions and fifteen killings that occurred between 1977 and 1989. Only three ... ... supported by the homeland authorities in Ciskei; the beginnings of SADF MI manipulation of the homelands to foster inter-homeland conflict through Operation Katzen in what may have been part of a national homelands military strategy; the implementation of a South African security force policy of ... |