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Amnesty Hearings


Starting Date 08 September 1998

Location CAPE TOWN

Day 2


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CHAIRPERSON: Before proceeding this morning, I would like to place on record our sincere disappointment at not being able to commence these proceedings at 9 o'clock as we had arranged yesterday to do.

The applicant was not brought in time by the prison authorities, for various reasons. Whatever the reason was, valuable time has been lost and inconvenience has been caused to a number of people apart from just the Members of the Committee. If anything can be done to avoid loss of time such as this, in future we've got to try and do that and avoid unnecessary waste of time.

Well for the time being I think I have said enough in that regard. Just to once again say that I am thoroughly disappointed that we weren't able to make a beginning.

What is the position this morning? Mr Fortuin?

MR FORTUIN: Mr Chairperson, the victim's families wanted to call two witnesses who indicated that they will turn up this morning, unfortunately they didn't turn up. It is now my instructions Mr Chairperson, that the victim's will stand with what they have presented to the Commission. As the court pleases.

CHAIRPERSON: Does that mean that this matter must now stand down, that we cannot take this matter any further this morning?

MR FORTUIN: I understand that would correct Mr Chairperson, that we will then proceed as discussed, on Thursday.

MS GOSO: I confirm that Mr Chair.


MR MAPOMA: I confirm.

CHAIRPERSON: The matter of Mr Maduna will not proceed this morning. It is a pity that it was not possible to take this decision earlier. We might have done all this in the absence of Mr Maduna who has been brought here after all kinds of inconvenience to everybody. Will steps be taken to ensure that he is brought here on time on Thursday, and will it be conveyed to the prison authorities that we would require him here at 9 o'clock on Thursday morning? Will you undertake to do that?

MR MAPOMA: Yes, I will do that Chairperson.

CHAIRPERSON: Very well, he may be removed and taken back to wherever he is required to be taken to. This matter is now adjourned for the time being until Thursday morning.

You are excused from further attendance if you do not wish to remain here.

MR FORTUIN: Thank you Mr Chairperson.

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