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Amnesty Hearings


Starting Date 08 September 1999


Day 3

CHAIRPERSON: Good morning everybody. We apologise for the late start but we've been in discussion with the legal representatives.

We still have a problem relating to Mr Tsotetsi's health. He's is, as I said yesterday, not a well man. He's very ill. I'm informed that he's been taken today to a medical practitioner, hopefully for treatment. He is not in a condition to proceed properly with his testimony and if he does, and as he is going to a medical practitioner today we would in any event not be able to hear any evidence today from him and if he were to come back tomorrow, I'm told that we probably wouldn't finish with his testimony in time, so we wouldn't finish in the time allotted to us and in the circumstances we have, after discussing the matter, agreed that the best course of action to follow would be for Mr Tsotetsi to receive his treatment and that we postpone this matter to a date to be arranged, that means to a date that we're not sure of today. We'll have to agree to a date with all the legal representatives and the Commission to fit it into the schedule of hearings, when we will resume with the matter, conclude the evidence of Mr Tsotetsi and any other evidence that may be led in this matter. I don't know which other witnesses will be called or if there might not be any. There may be, but that's up to the parties. I cannot give an indication when the resume date will be but due notification will be given of such date, notices will be sent out and everybody concerned will get reasonable notice.

So again I must apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay in this hearing but I'm sure you will all appreciate, it is beyond our control or anybody's control, It is just an unfortunate matter, so we will then postpone this matter to a date to be arranged of which notice will be given of that date.

Before we leave I'd just like to thank everybody who has made this hearing possible this week, what we've had this week. I'd like to thank the personnel from Correctional Services, who have been very prompt in bringing the applicants on time and the police etc., for providing security, for the sound technicians for providing the equipment, the translators for all the hard work. They do an extremely difficult job doing the simultaneous translation, thank you very much. For the caterers who have spoiled us and fed us so well, the media the television people and of course the legal representatives for all their assistance in this matter. Thank you very much.

So we'll now postpone to a date to be arranged. Also I'd like - sorry before we go, just to request the Correctional Services people to ensure that Mr Tsotetsi receives the medical treatment, gets taken to a medical practitioner and if possible also to arrange, perhaps through Mr Mapoma, if we could get some form of medical report as to the condition of Mr Tsotetsi before we proceed with the resumed hearing, I think that would be of assistance. Thank you.


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