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Amnesty Hearings


Starting Date 15 October 1998


Day 2


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CHAIRPERSON: We were sitting today to hear the applications of Tulani Percival Keli, Bongani Richard Khumalo, Boy Bongomusa Keli. Unfortunately due to a misunderstanding with the Correctional Services Department the Two Kelis are not here, we only have the applicant Khumalo. The Committee consists of myself Andrew Wilson, Judge Khampepe, and Mr Wynand Malan. Could the representatives announce themselves?

MR SAMUEL: I am Raymond Samuel on behalf of the applicant Khumalo, B R Khumalo in this matter.

ADV MPSHE: ...(indistinct)Mr Chairman myself of the Committee ...(indistinct) Mpshe for the Amnesty Committee.

CHAIRPERSON: What is the position then?

MR SAMUEL: In respect of applicant number 3, V R Khumalo, Your Honour, my instructions are that the applicant ...(intervention)

CHAIRPERSON: Applicant 2.

MR SAMUEL: 2, my apologies, the applicant wishes to withdraw his application for amnesty, however he would like to take this opportunity and be given an opportunity to formally apologise to the victim’s family and the affected community, thank you.


CHAIRPERSON: Mr Khumalo, I understand that you are completely fluent in English, is that so? And you understand what your attorney has just said, that you are going to withdraw your amnesty application, do you confirm that?

MR KHUMALO: Yes I withdraw the application.

CHAIRPERSON: But you wish to make certain remarks and we invite you to do so.

MR KHUMALO: I withdraw the application and I want to apologise to the community.

CHAIRPERSON: Do you want to say anything further?

ADV MPSHE: Mr Chair I just wanted to give him this for him to understand if the Chair could with respect repeat what was said for them to interpret for him please.

CHAIRPERSON: Do you confirm what your attorney has said that you wish to withdraw your application for amnesty but you wish to make certain remarks to the victims and other interested parties.

MR KHUMALO: That’s correct.


MR KHUMALO: I apologise to the people who lost their lives because of the political situation because what happened and what we did was because of the system of apartheid, not because we were there for personal gain. This happened to them because they were members of the IFP, an organisation that we were fighting against. I am sorry for what happened to them although I was not directly involved in the death of the deceased.

CHAIRPERSON: Do you wish to say anything further?

MR KHUMALO: I don’t have anything to say.

CHAIRPERSON: Very well so this application has now been withdrawn, it will be noted and the application of the first and third applicants will be adjourned to a date to be arranged. We will now adjourn until 9H30 tomorrow morning.


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