After considering the relevant documentation and the evidence that was led at the hearing of the amnesty applications of Vuyisile Brian Madasi (AM6077/97); Nkopane Diaho-Monaheng (AM3828/97) an Lungisa Ntintili (AM6539/97) at Cambridge Catholic Centre, East London on 14 April 1998 we are satisfied that:
1. The applicant has complied with the requirements of Act 34 of 1995;
2. The acts, omissions or offences to which the application relates are acts associated with a political objective committed in the course of the conflicts of the past; and
3. That all relevant facts relating to the particular acts, omissions or offences have been disclosed.
Amnesty is therefore GRANTED in respect of the following offences:
1. Conspiracy to attack the Yellowood Hotel and any guests or occupants on 16 March 1993, at Fort Beaufort, but excluding the subsequent attempt and attack which was carried out after the said date;
2 Theft of a Mazda Marathon motor vehicle registration number GCD 1616 belonging to Thandisile Vena on 12 March 1993, at Alice;
3. Unlawful Possession of the following arms and ammunitions in violation of the Arms and Ammunition Act: 76 of 1969
3.1 1 x R5 rifle with two (2) magazines;
3.2 1 x R4 rifle with two (2) magazines;
3.3 1 x Uzzi SM 6 Pistol with magazines;
3.4 1 x F1 Handgrenade; and
3.5 2 x .38 Revolvers
4. Any other acts, omissions or offences directly related to or connected with the aborted attack at Yellowood Hotel on 16 March 1993; and
5. The Applicant�s conviction on 24 January 1978, in the Fort Beaufort Regional Court, for Sabotage in terms of the Sabotage Act 76 of 1962.