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Human Rights Violation Hearings


Starting Date 14 May 1997


Day 3


Case Number EC0346/96SBR

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CHAIRPERSON: Ronald Ngqandu, please stand up.

RONALD NGQANDU: (sworn states)

CHAIRPERSON: Matse Wellington Mbenento.


CHAIRPERSON: Ntsiki Sandi.

MR SANDI: Thank you, Chairman. May I start with Mr Mbenento. Mr Mbenento, you have a short story and I would like you to briefly explain what happened to you on the 11th of October 1991. You were shot in Komga, is that correct ?

MR MBENENTO: Yes, that is correct.

MR SANDI: At this time there was a consumer boycott in town ?

MR MBENENTO: Yes, there was a consumer boycott.

MR SANDI: Were you a member of ANC ?

MR MBENENTO: Yes, I was a member of ANC.

MR SANDI: You were shot four times ?

MR MBENENTO: Yes, that is correct.

MR SANDI: Where were you shot ?

MR MBENENTO: I was shot on the side of my stomach.

MR SANDI: Please give us a clear picture of what was happening at that time.

MR MBENENTO: At this time, Mr Sipho Gumenge who was a policeman. Mr Gusha was shooting at me at that time. He did not stop, he kept on shooting. I then talked to the police next to me, asking him that, do you see that I’m being shot. Why do you leave this man ? Why did you not, why don’t you stop him ? Because he was shooting at me as if I, I’m an animal. This man did not listen to me. I can say that when Themba was shooting at me, he saw that my arm was broken and then he stopped. At this time I was talking the man next to me, asking him to ask Themba to stop shooting at me.

MR SANDI: You said that you broke your arm ?

MR MBENENTO: Yes, my left arm was broken and it is not working now.

MR SANDI: Why were they arresting you ?

MR MBENENTO: When I heard about this in Frere Hospital, they said that I was wearing camouflage. We had a march on the 18th of December 1990. They saw me in town wearing camouflage

MR SANDI: But in that time they were arresting you, you were not wearing a comouflage?

MR MBENENTO: No, I was wearing my private clothes.

MR SANDI: You were treated by Dr Smith in Frere Hospital ?

MR MBENENTO: Yes, there were two doctors. It was Dr Smith and Dr Settler.

MR SANDI: What did they say about your arm or about your injuries in your body ?

MR MBENENTO: What these doctors did to me, they cut my leg, trying to patch my

arm because I could see bones in my arm.

MR SANDI: Are you receiving treatment now, from the hospital or from the doctor ?

MR MBENENTO: After I was released from pri, from hospital ?

MR SANDI: In the present time, are you receiving medical treatment ?

MR MBENENTO: When it’s raining my arm got, gets painful.

MR SANDI: Where there any bullets taken from your arm ?

MR MBENENTO: I still have a bullet in my arm and would like it to be taken out.

MR SANDI: Who told you that you have a bullet in your arm ?

MR MBENENTO: I heard that there was a bullet in my arm. I could feel it. After I was released from hospital when I was, I touched my arm, I could hear that, I could feel that there is a bullet in my arm.

MR SANDI: Do the police know you as someone who was taking part in any political organization ?


MR SANDI: Which political organization ?


MR SANDI: What is your request to the Commission to-day ? We have requests, written requests in front of us, would you like to repeat them yourself ? What is your first request ?

MR MBENENTO: My first request is that I would like the Commission to help me financially, so that I can build a house for myself. Secondly, I would like to get medical treatment, so that the bullet in my body can be removed.

MR SANDI: You said that your arm is disabled ?

MR MBENENTO: Yes, even if I’m taking a bath, I’ve got to be helped by someone.

MR SANDI: Do you have a request concerning that ?

MR MBENENTO: Concerning what, Sir ?

MR SANDI: Are those your requests or would you like to add something ?

MR MBENENTO: That is all, Sir.

CHAIRPERSON: Ronald Ngqandu.

MR SANDI: Ronald Ngqandu, you also experienced that same as Mr Mbenento. This happened to you in March 1990 in Komga ? Briefly, what happened to you, Sir ?

MR NGQANDU: There was a consumer boycott in our area at that time. We were fighting against the Councillors because they wanted to raise rent payments. On the third day, after all this, the boers of AWB came from town. They were going to take a truck which was burnt down by the community. The community burnt down the truck because the driver went to the police and the police escorted the driver, so that he can go and buy in town, although there was a consumer boycott.

People followed, the comrades followed him and we, he, they asked him whether he did not know whether there was a consumer boycott or not. They told him to leave the truck and the truck was bunt down by the community.

MR SANDI: Who was the owner of this truck ?

MR NGQANDU: I don’t know who the owner was.

MR SANDI: Was it not Els brothers’ truck ?


MR SANDI: You said that the AWB members came to take this truck from the township. Was there any AWB, were there any AWB members in Komga at the time ?


MR SANDI: You said that they came to take the truck and then what happened ?

MR NGQANDU: The community saw them. We then decided to go to them, asking why they were taking this truck. Before we can reach them, we heard a gunshot. I was then shot.

MR SANDI: Who was shooting ?

MR NGQANDU: Between Johan Els and Nick Els.

MR SANDI: Were you the first one who was shot ?

R NGQANDU: Yes. There was one other boy who got shot that day.

MR SANDI: Where were the police at that time ?

MR NGQANDU: The police were there when we were being shot at.

MR SANDI: What happened after that ?

MR NGQANDU: The people ran away. One young boy saw that I got shot, he ran to the school, telling teachers that someone has been shot. The people then came trying to take me to the hospital. This young boy came with a car and then they took me to hospital.

MR SANDI: Did you go to any attorneys concerning this ?

MR NGQANDU: Yes, I did.

MR SANDI: Was it in Smith and Tabata ?


MR SANDI: What happened to your case?

MR NGQANDU: The case in King William’s Town. It took a long time. We were then transferred to East London. I was then told in Eas London that the case was withdrawn.

MR SANDI: When the case was in court, was it because of the claim you instituted or who was charged ?

MR NGQANDU: I was the one who was charged. They said that I got shot while I was doing public violence.

MR SANDI: The case was then withdrawn ?


MR SANDI: You did not lay a claim to Smith Tabata ?

MR NGQANDU: They said that, that has expired.

MR SANDI: The Els brothers, was there a connection between them and the police ?

MR NGQANDU: I can say that there was a connection between them and the police because they were together with the police while they were shooting at us.

MR SANDI: At the time of this day, were they wearing AWB uniforms ?

MR NGQANDU: They were wearing the uniform from the garage because they own a garage.

MR SANDI: You have a request in your statement. Would you like to say your request ?


MR SANDI: Can you please do that.

MR NGQANDU: I have one request. I would like the Commission to help me. I have a young child which needs to be supported. I cannot work because my leg was shot. I would find employment to work for a month and my leg would be painful, I will have to go to check-ups. I was once hired in a hotel in Komga. At that time I was not aware that there was a bullet in my leg. I then went to a check-up. They took the bullet out.

MR SANDI: Thank you, Mr Ngqandu. I will now hand over to the Chairperson. Maybe you will be asked some further questions.

MR NGQANDU: Thank you very much. My friend just slept. When I asked him what was happening here and when he’s questioned in Cape Town, his answer will probably be, he was sleeping.

MR SANDI: Thank you very much.

CHAIRPERSON: You both have bullets in your bodies. We will take this forward. If we need any other details, we will come back to you. Thank you. .

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