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Human Rights Violation Hearings


Starting Date 14 August 1996


Day 3


Case Number JB01030

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DR BORAINE: Sophie Maifadi and I would ask her to please come forward. Good afternoon Mrs Maifadi. Could you please put the earphones on? Mrs Maifadi, can you hear me alright?


DR BORAINE: You can. That is very good. Well then I can say to you a very warm word of welcome on behalf of the Commission. You have also brought somebody with you I think. Can you please introduce her to us.

MRS MAIFADI: She is my younger sister.

DR BORAINE: We are very pleased to see you and we welcome you as well. Mrs Maifadi we, as you know, have been listening to many stories about the KwaNdebele massacre. You are the last witness who will tell us about that and we are mindful, too, of the pain and the suffering that you have endured, particularly as you lost your son, Benjamin, who was only 16 years old. We understand that it is not easy for you to tell that story, but we are very grateful to you. Before you start would you please stand for the taking of the oath.

SOPHIE MAIFADI: (Duly sworn in, states).

DR BORAINE: Thank you very much indeed. Please be seated. I am going to hand over to my colleague, Mr Tom Manthata, who will help you to tell your story. Thank you.

MR MANTHATA: Mrs Maifadi, we will ask you to please keep



your story to what happened to the children. We sympathise with you. We know that sometimes when you tell a sad story you feel the events as they happened before. Could you please tell us when Benjamin Maifadi when missing and how he went missing.

MRS MAIFADI: Benjamin Maifadi was at home. That is where I was born and is where I was married. He went to visit his grandmother for a couple of days. There was a time when people came and told us that the children have gone to KwaNdebele and we asked how could we get to KwaNdebele and where in KwaNdebele are the children. There was this other person who told us that, who asked us how are we going to get to KwaNdebele because the people there are witches. There is the Mbokodo there and you will not be able to reach the place. We could not do anything at that time until we were told that the children had died in KwaNdebele. Then when we heard that the children had been killed in KwaNdebele, on the very same night that they told us that the children were killed in KwaNdebele my son's father went away to KwaNdebele on the very same night.

When he got to the Government Mortuary they sent him away. They said he cannot enter the Government at that time of night. Then he met all the parents of the other children who were killed there. On the following day we went to KwaNdebele, but what hurts us most is that the very same combi that took us, took them to KwaNdebele. It is the very same combi that took the children to KwaNdebele also, as we came to know later. They said that these children were at Sis Johannah's house and Sister Johannah is my neighbour. She knows me, she knows the child's father and she knows all the parents of these children who died. This hurt us very



bad because we could not think that a person like Johannah could keep our children up until this thing happened. Why did she not tell us because she knew at that time there were uprisings? How did it come about that she kept our children until this incident happened to them? That is why we do not sympathise for her because she knew or she knows what happened to our children.

When the rumours came around her child who was sitting here, when we were still preparing for the funeral, her child came to the, my house's gate and she said, your children was killed last and I said to her, your house is still safe and you still have your parent's possession with you. She said the problem is that these children have been killed, that is the main problem. After days went by the very same people came to us and organised a combi for us so that we could go to Klipgat because our children had not been killed. They have been kidnapped so there is a traditional doctor in Klipgat who would resurrect the children who had been killed or who are dead. We went there because we wanted to find our child not thinking that these people were turning us into stupids. We went with them there and we went to this traditional doctor.

When we got there this traditional doctor gave us water. After drinking water we were told that our children were in the cave. So we had to pay that traditional doctor something like R60,00 per month and from there if these children come out of the cave you must bring me a cow and I will give your children and please send them their clothes and everything that they need. When we left that place we asked ourselves whether she ever resurrected any person and then we could not find an answer and we never went back to



this traditional doctor.

MR MANTHATA: What we would like you to explain to us is when you went to the doctor what did the police say?

MRS MAIFADI: I did not see the police. After we found the bones and the two plastic bags that were from Johannah during that week when the children died, we went to call the police. The ... to pick up the bones.

MR MANTHATA: My question was there were police who could not help you, there was also a traditional doctor who could not help you. Were there no one in Mamelodi or in KwaNdebele from whom you might have asked for the whereabouts about this incident? Like I asked in the beginning could you not ask from a lawyer, a Reverend and a Chief other than leave the case unsolved.

MRS MAIFADI: We thought that the police from Mamelodi could help us because we went to them, but that did not happen.

MR MANTHATA: What I mean is did they not help you?

MRS MAIFADI: No, they did not.

MR MANTHATA: And are you still in a position where you fight each other?

MRS MAIFADI: Yes, that is true.

MR MANTHATA: Because, is this happening because you did not investigate this matter from someone you trusted who could help you?

MRS MAIFADI: There was no one who could help us because we expected help from the police. Who would help us if the police did not?

MR MANTHATA: If I am not wrong at that time there were strong groups like the ANC or the groups who were leading the people at the time. I do believe in KwaNdebele also there were Reverends or Ministers who use to help people



like Reverend Brown Viljoen. We would also like to know from you so that we can help you whether you have any other names you can give to us?

MRS MAIFADI: There was confusion at that time in the country and because we did not have any help from the police we had no way out or any means to use to find the information, but after a certain time we are happy because we have been able to come and appear before the Commission to tell the truth. Maybe by doing this we will be healed because everytime when you sit thinking about what happened to you and not being able to tell it to anyone, it is very hurting.

MR MANTHATA: What I mean is maybe at that time you did not even trust the police who were called Mbokodo. Even though this did not come to the fore, we would always find a way to get the truth, but you did not, but I want to thank you all the same.

CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. Any other questions?

MRS MAIFADI: I would like Johannah to tell us what happened to our children because she was the one who had links with those children at that time.

CHAIRPERSON: We thank you very much, Mam. As I have already said we are trying to comfort people here and we sympathise with people who come forward regarding what happened to them. The other thing is we are still investigating, trying to find the truth about the whole event that you are telling us about. I do not know if you had seen in the newspapers that a lawyer wrote to us, writing on behalf of the police, that is 22 officers, some of them were Generals and some of them the leaders in the police, trying to inform us that those people who were



considering coming to plead for amnesty from the Commission and the very same person gave the names of those people who wanted amnesty and on the other side of the letter they included the many events in which these police would accept or acknowledge that some of the things that are written, they were perpetrated by them or they know about those incidents. Like the incidents at Khotso House. People use to think that it was a certain lady who planted a bomb at Khotso House. Now this lawyer said, no, this event or incidents like the one at Khotso House, they admit that they are the ones who had a hand or who perpetrated these incidence. One of them being the massacre at KwaNdebele. That is the one we are addressing today.

We have not looked in details in what they told us, but there is no one who could just, from the blue, stand up and say that I take responsibility for doing this and this unless he did it. Maybe the pain you went through thinking that it is a certain person who did this, maybe if we tell you the truth and you know who really perpetrated this incident, maybe you can be emotionally healed. We have not emphasised that it is the police who did this, but they are the ones who approached us and told us that they are the ones who perpetrated this. All the time we use to think that it was the ANC who perpetrated this incident, but later on they came and told us that they are the ones who did perpetrated this incident.

This Commission is called the Truth and Reconciliation Commission so we want to establish what is the truth about all these incidences. The other side of this Commission is that it administers reconciliation and we are trying to heal all the wounds of the past. We also hope that you, as you



have said, that by coming here, probably you will be healing old wounds. That will exactly happen.


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