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Human Rights Violation Hearings


Starting Date 26 June 1996


Day 3

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[indistinct] evidence about his experience of torture in prison mentioned dr Van Heerden in a particular context which Wendy is going to explain and dr Van Heerden requested that the Commission gives him opportunity to make a statement in regards to the context in which he was mentioned. So I give over to Wendy - thank you Wendy.


Thank you Chair, just to explain to you on Monday afternoon one of the witnesses Mr Dyantyi named dr Van Heerden and alleged that dr Van Heerden had colluded with police and giving the police advice about how to hide the fact that Mr Dyantyi had been tortured and how to make it appear that his condition was in fact due to other circumstances.

I have spoken to dr Van Heerden a few times on the phone since and asked him if he would like to come and make a statement to the Commission because he denies that he ever acted in the way in which the witness alleged. Unfortunately dr Van Heerden is very busy, he is operating this morning and then has a full list of patients, so he has asked me to read out a statement on his behalf which I will now do.

Dit is onder my aandag gebring dat ‘n persoon na bewering voor u getuig het dat ek advies sou gegee het skynbaar aan die polisie op welke wyse ‘n persoon om die lewe gebring moet word. Ek voel dit my plig om hiermee op rekord te plaas dat indien sodanige getuienis gelewer is, dit onwaar is. Ek weet glad nie van die beweerde voorval nie, maar wil eerbiediglik vermeld en hiermee onomwonde stel dat sodanige optrede indruis teen my etiek as geneesheer, maar bowenal dat dit direk in stryd is met my diepste waardes as mens.

And that’s signed by dr Van Heerden. I would also like it placed on record that a number of people from the community have come to us and said that dr Van Heerden is known in this community as a very caring and compassionate doctor.


Thank you Wendy and thank you all - shall we stand please as the witnesses leave for tea.

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