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The glossary provides an explanation of places, groups, vernacular terms and events discussed in the TRC hearings.


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Wynberg SevenSeven school students were arrested during student protests in Wynberg, Cape Town, in 1985 and were charged and convicted of public violence for which they served prison terms of one to two years. The highly publicised trial drew attention to the thousands of students and youth sentenced to prison terms for public violence, effectively criminalising protest activity.References
Xulu vigil attackThirteen people were killed on 12 January 1990 when UDF and ANC supporters, armed with knives, stones, guns and petrol, petrol-bombed a homestead in Mahlabatini, near Ulundi, KwaZulu/Natal. The victims, who were allegedly IFP supporters, were attending a night vigil for two family members who had been killed earlier by UDF supporters. Members of the Xulu family were allegedly prominent in Inkatha. Their home was destroyed in the attack, which took place in ongoing political conflict the day after the release of Nelson Mandela. One UDF supporter was refused amnesty on the basis that the offences committed were disproportionate to any political objective. References
Zastron road ambushSeveral APLA members ambushed a vehicle in which four people were travelling from Zastron to Sterkspruit on 18 March 1992. The driver of the vehicle was shot dead and one other passenger sustained severe gunshot injuries. The remaining two passengers escaped the ambush unhurt and were able to flee from the scene. The Commission accepted that the PAC and APLA were engaged in the armed struggle and regarded all whites as supporters of the government, and that the ambush had been associated with a political objective. One APLA member was granted amnesty.References
Zim-zimsa breakaway group from the UDF-aligned Khutsong Youth Congress, supported by older activists. At least 17 people died in intense political conflict between the Zim-zims and the Gadaffis, another UDF-aligned breakaway faction. Police exploited the divisions between the two factions.References
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