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A-Team (Chesterville, Durban)

The Chesterville A-Team, a state-sponsored vigilante group composed of Inkatha supporters, was set up by the Security Branch in 1985 in Chesterville, Durban, to counter the activities of the UDF, COSAS and other civic organisations in the area. Political tensions between UDF supporters and members of the Chesterville A-Team frequently resulted in attacks against UDF and ANC supporters.

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MS MAYA: We will like you to give these names to our investigating team. Is that all, Sir ?.
CHAIRPERSON: They were together as a team.
Thank you very much. Any questions Wendy? Ms Sam and Ms Isaacs, thank you very much for your evidence this afternoon. It is very clear that you are still suffering pain because of this incident and we can understand this but just like the previous case, it is hard enough to lose a child but it ...
That's not a problem. We can correct the record for that purpose. Thank you. --- I will start relating on the very first day that I got arrested. I was at work and I was from Khombe Hospital. Khombe is next to Nqutu on the way to Nkandla. On our way back from Khombe Hospital - and I was a ...
The Applicant testified that he did not know why K B Magubane killed Black. He had only heard that the previous day there had been a party at Mr Magubane's place. The Chonco boys had also been invited to the party because Mr Magubane had a soccer team and some of the Chonco boys were soccer ...
The first of these was the possibility of ascertaining the whereabouts of the body of Mr Bhila. There had been efforts made, in fact during the course of an adjournment, various members of the legal team had gone with Mr Wasserman to endeavour to ascertain where Mr Bhila's body was. This was ...
MR ROUX: As it pleases you Chairperson. The name is Jaco Roux from the Pretoria Bar on instruction of the firm Strydom Britz of Pretoria. I appear in these applications on behalf of Paul Jacobus van Vuuren, Robert Lesley Jubber, Magiel Andries Stefanus Pretorius, Jan Hattingh Cronje and Jacques ...
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. As I say, we'll now adjourn for a few minutes to enable a fresh team to arrive and for such arrangements to be made.
CHAIRPERSON: Mr Berger, has your team received this?
MR MOERANE: And you had just spent four days at Island Rock at the so-called team building workshop?
MR RICHARD: It is a matter that I have checked repeatedly with victims and with the Investigating team relating to the prosecution, the statement is that it is denied that there were any Security personnel at the time.
He has asked me to put on record that his prepared to meet the applicants as well as their co-ordinator or leader, Mr Duma Nkosi. A meeting has been scheduled between Mr Duma Nkosi, the applicants and their legal team.
CHAIRPERSON: But wouldn't you infer from Mr Mathebula, who was not part of the interrogating team and he has already conceded that it was Mr Prinsloo's style to do this interrogation all by himself, and not involve other people, wouldn't you infer that what he means by interrogation is maybe the ...
Now for Special Forces and Parabat Forces and the Police Services it was very clear that there would be a need of a specially trained medical component which would have the same capabilities, in other words would be able to also be dropped by air, or to take part in small team operations or ...
They took me back home. They took me home them. When they arrived at home the four men came out. The one with the balaclava, it looked like he was relative to Piet Ntolie and Louis Jonda and Mr Mabena. They accompanied me to the house having guns in their hands. My father was still alive ...
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you Chris. I just want to say at this stage that when the idea of bringing on journalists evolved, we then ateamed, the team that was planning for this hearing, I consulted with a few journalists, I think it was about six journalists from whom I asked their opinion of whom we ...
During September 1996 Loots was contacted by Van Vuuren who told him that it was alleged by the Attorney-General's investigating team that Motasi was killed because he had instituted a civil claim against the Minister of police. He never before this had heard of such a civil claim. He does not ...
MR BRACHER: But you asking other people to go out and plant bombs, wouldn't you expect the leadership to say: "We have already had a success. You are one of a great team here"?
We understand your pain, but we ask that you try to control yourself. So that even when we ask our investigation team to find - to find out what happened, we as the Truth Commission would like to reach a place where there can be peace and forgiveness.
DR RAMASHALA: Chairperson may I ask Mr Meyer and his team that as you prepare that submission you consider the following comment from the communities, particularly the greater Black communities and I want to quote
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