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A-Team (Chesterville, Durban)Explanation This episode starts with a report back on the amnesty applications (heard in Pietermaritzburg, 10 to 13 February) of three former policemen for murdering ANC member Mbongeni Jama, and includes evidence of police complicity in gun running and supplying arms to the IFP. In the following segment ... ‘Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Port Elizabeth’ // We’ve just touched down here in the Eastern Cape where the Truth Commission held its first Human Rights Violations hearings in April last year. The Special Report team hopes to speak to some of the first victims who told their stories to the ... We have come to the end of our last programme for 1996. Our first programme for 1997 will be on Sunday 26 January next year and we sincerely hope you will all join us again then. But hopefully the healing process will not take a holiday. If you are interested in the healing of the memories ... The Amnesty Committee moves to Bloemfontein this coming week and the Human Rights Violations Committee will sit in Lusikisiki in the Eastern Cape. From the Special Report team, goodbye until next Sunday evening at eight. Siphiwo Mtimkulu was the charismatic leader of the Congress of Students in Port Elizabeth in 1980. In May 1981 he was detained by the security police and only released five months later. // He admitted that he was ill. I wanted to know what was wrong with him. He stated that he had an excruciating ... Over the past year and a half the faces on the Amnesty Committee have become well-known. We have seen them listen, probe, question and debate in hearings across the country. To date 53 amnesties have been granted and 39 refused. But the process is not only about hearings. Amnesty applications that ... It just says fulfil these legal obligations and then we sweep the terrain clean and can start on a clean slate. // Let’s talk about the other leg, reconciliation. There’s been a lot of criticism that this has only been the opening of wounds and no real reconciliation. Do you agree with that? // ... Johannes Beneke was not part of the interrogation team. He claimed that he intervened only when he heard shouts from the next room. // I heard loud talking in this back office and I went closer and in the door, which gave access to this office – while I stood there, I stopped there – I noticed ... During the second half of the 1980s many black communities were suffering under internal conflicts. Victim became perpetrator; perpetrator became victim. Let’s take a hard look at vigilantism and gangs. But first, the story of the notorious A-Team in Durban. This is Hané Koster’s report. This episode begins with a report on Eugene de Kock?s criminal trial and the effects his revelations - implicating the former state president, cabinet ministers and others - might have on the Truth Commission process. The segment includes an interview with Truth Commissioner Dumisa Ntsebeza ... Hello. Welcome to the second last edition of the Special Report. Before we get on with today’s report a huge apology to all our viewers. Our programme was not broadcast last Sunday, as it had been for almost two years. The Special Report team was very upset and embarrassed by this because the ... We are particularly outraged at her obvious complicity in the recent abductions and assault on young people like Stompie. We believe that had Stompie and his three colleagues not been abducted by Mrs. Mandela’s football team, he would have been alive today. The Mass Democratic Movement at this ... We’ve come to the end of our programme. The Truth Commission is facing a crisis of credibility right now. The generals of the former police force seem to have a defined attitude, while the National Defence Force also appears rather reluctant to cooperate. The military submission that was supposed ... |