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an informer or 'sell-out'; one who agreed to collaborate with the state or security forces

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MR RORICH: We knew that Mr McFadden was involved as a collaborator and that at many times he was in the presence of Mr Zweli Nyanda and Mr Lawrence, but we could not have foreseen that other people would have been in the house. That was not possible to have foreseen something like that, anything ...
MR KLOPPER: Chairperson, as I stated in my statement, under our Security Branch members it was well-known that he was a sympathiser and collaborator with the ANC. I do not exactly know what the Commander's objective was, but according to my knowledge, we had to remove him from the system.
c. "We want to make the death of a collaborator so grotesque that people will never think of it."
It cannot be said that any member of the African National Congress who with the due and proper mandate, was engaged in talks with the National Party, was a collaborator. No ANC members were collaborating, they were engaged in negotiations.
Mr Mahayiya, the deceased was also in a dilemma wasn't she? If she would allow you to enter the house, her children or people, the youth, seeing her allowing you into the house would regard her as a collaborator with you and her life would have been in danger, isn't that so?
MR RICHARD: Did they describe the category of collaborator that they might be planning to attack?
... the purpose for which the house was used, as testified to by the Applicants.  The Applicants had also contended that Kuntakana was seen as a collaborator of the ANC and as such was eligible for elimination in terms of their general mandate.  What is instructive is that Lesole conceded ...
... were out to kill a certain girl by the surname of Mabasa. I had interfered and tried to mediate in that conflict and by doing so, I was labelled a collaborator with the family of that girl and thereafter there was word out that I should also be ...
MR VAN ZWEEL: That he transported people from Maputo to Swaziland and from Swaziland to Natal. He was a courier and a collaborator with the ANC. That is the information we had from our several sources, Chairperson.
... confess were usually sent to detention camps. Now what happened to a poor fellow who is innocent and he says: "I'm not an informer, I was never a collaborator with the enemy", he tells the ANC in Lusaka that, is he also one that is sent to a detention camp because he refuses to ...
... confess were usually sent to detention camps. Now what happened to a poor fellow who is innocent and he says: "I'm not an informer, I was never a collaborator with the enemy", he tells the ANC in Lusaka that, is he also one that is sent to a detention camp because he refuses to ...
accusation against you that you were also working for the police, was there ever that type of accusation against you, that you were an informer or a ...
GEN VAN DER MERWE: Well the information that we have now is that Jackie Quin was a collaborator, but she was not involved herself in acts of violence.
... acted on the order of General Ras and under the instruction of Captain Loots against a person that they believed to be an enemy of the State and collaborator with the ANC. They conceded that they had no instructions to kill Irene Motasi and they testified that they didn't foresee or ordered ...
ADV SANDI: Let us put it this way, Mr Guleni, if you killed a so-called black collaborator, a black person who had been a problem to your organisation and your people in that area, would that have had the desired political effect in the context of the time?
... to clinical teaching material and gross human rights violations that were going on all the time. Yet the Medical Faculty was not a monolithic collaborator. Aside from individuals in the Faculty frequently including the leadership of the Faculty, the Faculty created committees such as the ...
purpose. Whether it was the intent or not, they committed an act which removed from society a person who was perceived as a collaborator. That is a fact. That is what actually happened. Now having done that, having done that, the question is: that act and other similar acts, was there general ...
and if you look at the video then you will see that it was a declared enemy, the PAC in itself, although not mentioned by name, but qualified as a collaborator of the ANC, was a target in itself and this is what I would submit to you because I would be omitting my duties if I do not,
... from their houses and acting as a policeman by wrongfully arresting people in some cases for petty crimes. He was therefore seen as an apartheid ...
they said I should turn my back against the people I was leading, and when they said that they wanted the people I was leading to perceive me as the collaborator with the police. And I was also going to be arrested, but without any reason, but the people I lead were the ones that were going to be ...
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