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comradesExplanation As soon as Kuki opened the door the house filled up with people, young men, whom I could refer to as Comrades, who were masked so I could not identify them. Because it was a big house some of them went to the kitchen as well and there were only two of us there. A young man with a cap came to me, ... MRS GQINEBE: On the 19th of March 1990 the Comrades were giving people some stands, vacant stands and as they were soldiering that, I do not know what happened later on, but the police came and the police started shooting and people MR BIKO: I went to reconnoitre the target, the place and check the target for two days. On the third day I was given an order to go and attack the target. There were other comrades that I was going to meet with from Zukile, three comrades. I was going to meet with them. NADEL MEMBER: Thank you Honourable Chairperson, members of the Commission, the Minister of Justice, friends, colleagues, comrades and everybody else. to walk on foot. As I was walking, there was some angry shouts, the Witdoeke are there and they already are in site KTC and we ran with a number of comrades who were there and we went towards KTC, next to the (indistinct), to stop at (indistinct). There were two Hippos. They came very close to ... At that time, I remember distinctly, the ANC and comrades here were aware that the major sources of insecurity to communities, the major sources of attack against communities, were actually fermented and organised and perpetrated by elements from within the Security Forces of the State. ... be represented properly. As I was told that Mr Dehal is the one who would be able to represent us in a proper manner and as we expect him to do as comrades. He's got some background, because he got some information from the other comrades and he was told that since we've been there in prison we ... Yes, I am going to tell the story where it all started. In 1985 when the struggle started here in Colesberg. My father was one of the comrades here in Colesberg who decided in 1985 who were being harassed by the police and constantly detained. He would be detained for fourteen days. And that ... "As we were the comrades of that time, we tried by all means to democratise our Black people who were still living in the 'barrack'" is the best way I can read it "people where Black people were freed from mental slavery." my business place. Some Comrades were left behind. MR MTHEMBU: According to the Judgement in your case, it would appear that you and your other comrades first assembled in ...[indistinct] where apparently this attack on the Three Million was planned. What do you say about that? That is when they told that my child had been taken away by the comrades and taken to a mortuary in a van. friend was working in the mines and the house was empty, no-one was staying there, I stayed in that house and I made an area assessment before other comrades could arrive. After that, after I left Welkom, or after I left Wesselsbron, I went back to Welkom, because I told him that I didn't like ... You say you were requested by Mr Mpo Tseklo(?) to transport his fellow comrades. MR VISSER: Nceba, the one victim in this matter and his two comrades, were they part of any of these structures which you have mentioned here in paragraph 18? Tifo who is our lawyer, comrade Paul Benjamin. These are our lawyers that work very close to us during the Apartheid time. Leon Levi is one of the comrades that have played a very important role in our ... comrades who were extremely active in Mamelodi at that time, but who then moved out to KwaNdebele as MR ISMAIL: Well, by and large, comrades were told to resist answering questions, they were told that they would probably be beaten up, tortured, that at all times, they should think about the ANC and be loyal to the ANC and understand the political objectives. They had to understand that they ... ... with the other unmarked ones, I only remember the beers were supplied. The afternoon of the raid, Teddy brought a message that Leon and other comrades wanted to see me. I went to see them. They wanted me to take them to Bloemfontein on the Saturday morning. I was supposed to meet them at ... That's when I met him with his comrades like Atwell Maqekeza, Tandofiqa Radebe, but Tandofiqa Radebe was a student there. The others from Grahamstown Maswai, Siphiwo Maswai, they were all working together and I had contact with him. |