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UDF and ANC supporters, civilian and combatant

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... house. I heard shots being fired. It came from Pilanie Street where Jetta lived. On my way to where these shots were being fired a lot of comrades came back and they said hey, hey, Jetta has been killed. At that time I didn't feel anything for him or for his death because Jetta was a ...
That name suited them, this Incatha because they were people who worked with the police to oppress us. So this connection between Incatha and Buthalezi and the youth comrades was that it was seen that those people were working on the side of the police against the comrades.
MR MARTIN: At first I wanted to protect myself, I tried to protect General Japie Oelofse as well as my comrades.
MR MOHLABA: There is evidence here that some of your comrades escaped from custody in Modderbee, were you part of those comrades who escaped?
... were. We wanted to get to Mr Mafulele's house, who was the one who was regarded as powerful in the IFP members. We went there with the other comrades who were the SDU members. It was Sipho Steven Ngubane, Ngosane Aron Tshabalala, Gideon Sakkie Msamango, Hobisiso Tshabalala and the ...
MRS VILAKAZI: I went to the lawyers who called us. Those were the lawyers working closely with the Comrades. The Father and Pastor from the Roman Catholic Church too us to the court together with the lawyers however, we were not called to testify in court. We were told to stay outside so I can’t ...
... their decision to burn the body with paraffin and averred that the attack on them was political in that the Kapnaars told them they did not want ...
(Inaudible) ... Happy? --- He is one of the fellow Comrades.
Before they reached their destination they were accosted by a police patrol. The applicant and some of his comrades fled the scene but were later arrested.
MR HATTINGH: Then he also states that among others you gave him cans of beer which he was supposed to give to Mr Meyer and two other comrades, as he put it, so that they would fall asleep. What do you say of that?
vienna sausages, I just dealt with the brown bread and I forgot about the sausages for the time being. The food was a problem because you were with comrades, in fact I think it was even more painful for people like Kacy and Lalo who as comrades found that they could actually eat bread. Even the ...
MR STRYDOM: You testified about three shots which you fired in the beginning stages of the attack and later on you went to Slovo Park, did you see any comrades in Slovo Park, or did you find any comrades in Slovo Park?
They said that the "witdoeke" that gathered at Crossroads on those mornings did not come together with the express purpose of attacking KTC, but rather to defend their homes against attacks by comrades from KTC.
When I was at home I thought again. When I arrived at home my wife said to me two comrades were here and they were saying they were from the tribal office. They said they will be coming with their political activity. I was worried by the letter which I had. I went to the Chief's son who is now ...
... obviously. Our belief was that these people were members of the underground ANC, that as quick as possible before other members of the cell or comrades or colleagues of theirs could be informed about them being arrested or apprehended. We wished to move on any possible comrades of theirs ...
... could be buried like that. We proceeded towards the graveyard. When we arrived at the corner and we had to turn towards the graveyard some comrades alighted and they started running on foot to see as to what was happening in front. They ran on foot until they reached the place near the ...
Applicant and Mr Msomi, armed with hand grenades, went to launch the attack on the Dladla homestead. The other comrades and SDUs remained behind to keep watch and protect other areas from possible attack by the IFP.
... years of age and it was easy for him at that period to have been influenced by either side of the conflicting parties. If he was approached by UDF comrades, I believe he would have followed the UDF comrades but in ...
MR NGCOBO: Yes I said so. I had told the police that my mother was killed by the comrades (ANC supporters), and the police wanted me to investigate this, whereas this was their job.
... 2: I would just like to share a story on that kind of level. In one of the areas I'm working in, in a local informal settlement, a group of young comrades had been killed by a group of older comrades and there was a huge conspiracy of silence around that, nobody quite knows why, although I ...
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