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councillorsExplanation MR MOTLOUNG: Mr Manana, these people that went about troubling the councillors and so on, were they saying that they're doing all these things in the name of politics? ... people, some agreed that we should cut down the increase by 20 cents and others said by 30 cents. We proceeded until on a Sunday where there were councillors as well as Mr Israel Dlamini, the then ... MRS NOFEMELE: They were protecting the councillors. ... rendering Mrs Hanabe ineffective to run the affairs of the local council in Klipplaat: She had already fled Klipplaat and almost all her fellow councillors had ... ... with them. They hacked three of the vigilantes with pangas and jungle knives. The vigilantes were killed because they sided with the Pirates and Councillors. They also actively persecuted UDF ... ... not like our organisation. And it was found out that the issues here were different. There was a political intention behind, there were community councillors and they were not acceptable in the townships because people would ask questions that if there is such a problem, why can't community ... MR MANTHATA: Did the Councillors ever explain to the people why the rent increases ? ... distinguished guests and Reverend Bongani Finca, I greet you all on behalf of the East London Junior City Council, on behalf of all the Junior City Councillors of East London, on behalf of the Junior Town Clerk, Karen Oosthuizen and on behalf of our Junior Mayor Carla ... MRS MOLALOSE: No they never did. Even the councillors that TEMBISA HEARING TRC/GAUTENG DR RANDERA: So there was a rent increase, were there also local councillors in Ikhutseng that people were against? you are honest and you were there you would not be able to tolerate such. It was an ambivalent situation - what we were trying to do is to make the councillors step down because they made their own conclusions without consulting the community. If you are a community leader you must listen to ... ... we met with other people, who had the same interests as we had. We went that way until 1989, December, with Sobile. Then we said that the city councillors were failing in the giving of services to the community. Then we wrote a letter to City Press, in January 1990. After the letter was ... "the police, the SADF, councillors and their henchmen have been seen at the scenes of petrol-bombings and other savage acts of brutality...we can no longer stand idly by while our wives, children and property are being attacked. We have no option but to defend ourselves and it is in this context ... thus formed by the community because the community didn't want the leadership of the Councillors who were puppets of the apartheid regime without the consent of the community. MR VISSER: Like black councillors. ... ANC also tried to burn the house of his wife’s father, who was also a Councillor. Mr Mkonza was a Councillor and members of his family were also Councillors and he says that he saw the attackers, those who tried to attack and burn down his house. He saw the attackers run into that corner ... REVD. XUNDU: Is that just before July. In your statement you have mentioned that one of your duties as a member of the Action Committee was to discourage the operations of the Councillors. What were the names of these Councillors. is apparent from the evidence of Mr Mazibuko that members of COSAS, certainly in his region, were not planning to attack the houses of policemen and councillors and they were not awaiting a supply of arms from MK. The evidence of Mr Mazibuko in this regard controverts the information given by the ... ... I would like to put to you. Do you recall, since 1983 up until the period which you have mentioned, that there were feelings in the locations that councillors were not welcome and civic organisations were established where it was felt that councillors should not proceed with their work, because ... MR HLONGWANE:: It was people like Councillors, Mayors, prominent members of Inkatha, Amakosi. |