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InkathaExplanation The first segment of this episode focuses on the Caprivi Group, the 200 Inkatha men who were trained by the South African Defence Force in Caprivi in Northern Namibia in 1986. Special hearings were held in Durban (4 to 15 August) where five former Caprivi Group members gave testimony to the ... ... in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands (Pietermaritzburg, 28 July to1 August). The segment also includes interviews with widows from both sides of the Inkatha / ANC battle who talk about their loss. In the final segment Chilean writer Ariel Dorfman speaks to former Robben Island warder, Gerald ... Veenendal is a staunch supporter of the Inkatha Freedom Party. At this rally in April 1994 his Natal Boer Commando pledged their loyalty and protection to the Zulu king. Veenendal has played a key role in the military training of IFP militants. But while Veenendal escaped justice in Namibia he ... ... ponder who has done the killing. The president of the ANC and current state president of our country declared before the United Nations that the Inkatha Freedom Party was a surrogate of the apartheid regime. Does that not imply that the apartheid regime could not therefore have killed IFP ... ... defence unit action was this benign. In the townships around Johannesburg self defence units were involved in day to day combat with amongst others Inkatha members and the internal stability unit. Many people lost their lives in the ever spiralling violence and for many the self defence units ... It seemed easy to call it a political war and to identify the aggressors. Fingers were pointed at the Nationalist Party government, the security forces and at Inkatha. ... support for UNITA in Angola, RENAMO in Mozambique and the Lesotho Liberation Army. And then he dropped in this insignificant little paragraph. // Inkatha. In 1985 chief minister Buthelezi requested paramilitary support from the RSA government. The RSA government decided on the 20th of December ... easy to call it a political war and to identify the aggressors. Fingers were pointed at the Nationalist Party government, the security forces and at Inkatha. // If we look at what happened in the hostels, they became, a lot of them became dominated by the IFP, and they became identified as IFP ... Maponya’s only sin: he knew nothing of his ANC brother, Odirile, sought by Vlakplaas. De Kock also admitted this week that he made weapons for the Inkatha Freedom Party and had supplied them with AK47s and hand grenades. How many people were killed by his weapons in the townships? De Klerk and ... ... was told of their reasons for killing Jama. They experienced extensive anti-ANC indoctrination in a police subculture which openly favoured ... Scant attendance at the hearings suggests that Radebe and Mavundla are not the only people still living in fear. Fiercely divided loyalties are the result as well as the cause of cycles of revenge killings. with the body count stacking up on both sides. On the night of September 4th 1992 a group of ... Hostel dwellers became feared and hated, but the uneasy relationship between them and the township communities has existed since the first hostel was built. Since the discovery of diamonds in the 1800s black men have travelled from the rural areas to industries in the north. The diamond field ... ... now dead – and Captain Brian Mitchell, the station commander - the then station commander of New Hanover, Jerome Gabela and Johan Nxumalo, local Inkatha representatives and Nethi Majozi, a youth Inkatha representative and a very well known Natal Midlands Inkatha leader – he is now a ... … It was a usual occurrence for me to wake up every morning and go to the mortuary in search of my husband. We went to different places. We even went to Diepkloof. We kept on going up and down looking for my husband and a month lapsed without us getting my husband back or the body. Up till today ... ... 1994 to investigate organized hit squad activity in KwaZulu-Natal. A few significant facts emerged very clearly from this report. The first is that Inkatha Freedom Party leader, Mangosuthu Buthelezi met with senior officers of Military Intelligence late in 1985 to request his own paramilitary ... says it was in no way responsible for. // My own deep convictions that violence is evil and must not be used for political purposes, and despite the Inkatha Freedom Party’s constant vigil to keep violence out of the Inkatha Freedom Party’s politics, I know the Inkatha Freedom Party members and ... Towards the end of 1988 Mitchell and Terreblanche attended a meeting with Inkatha leaders including David Ntombela where it was decided to launch an operation that would clear and hold the Trust Feed area for Inkatha. ... one of the buses stopped there. My son alighted from the kombi which came after the bus, not knowing that this bus which was parked there was an Inkatha bus. On the veranda, before the veranda they met with the Inkatha people and they shot them both and killed them. // Rev Tim Smith was ... or cultural? Or is it mainly criminal violence? These are the questions South Africans have been asking for years now about the conflict between the Inkatha Freedom Party and the African National Congress in KwaZulu-Natal. More than 10 000 people have died in this war since the early 1980s. During ... ... here, because this is just an ordinary memorial service. // We were here, the people noticed that Sabelo was here, the member of the government of Inkatha. He was here, instructing these people to come and bombard us. // The leader of Inkatha came inside the hall with three guns, one this side, ... |