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the Zulu cultural nationalist organisation, which became the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in mid-1990.

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An Inkatha supporter who had his house in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, burnt down by UDF supporters in November 1988 in intensifying political conflict in the area.
An ANC supporter who was burnt to death by Inkatha supporters in KwaMashu, Durban, on 3 March 1990.
A UDF supporter who drowned in Pietermaritzburg on 25 December 1987 when armed Inkatha supporters chased him into the Umsunduzi River and stoned him while he was trying to swim to safety.
A UDF supporter who was abducted and shot dead by named Inkatha supporters at KwaMpande, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, on 18 October 1987 in intensifying political conflict in the area.
An ANC supporter who had his house in Ntuzuma, near Durban, burnt down on 14 December 1989 in intensifying political conflict between Inkatha and UDF supporters in the area.
An Inkatha supporter who had her house burnt down by ANC supporters in Richmond Farm, near KwaMashu, Durban, on 3 July 1990.
An ANC supporter who had her home in Inanda, near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down by Inkatha supporters in July 1985.
An Inkatha leader who was shot dead by ANC supporters in Imbali, Pieter-maritzburg, on 16 March 1990 following the unbanning of political organisations in February.
An ANC supporter who was shot dead by Inkatha supporters, allegedly assisted by members of the KwaZulu Police, in Empangeni, Natal, on 15 April 1990. His home was also burnt down. He had previously been an ANC member and had been imprisoned on Robben Island. On his release he had joined the IFP, ...
She had her house at Enseleni, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, burnt down on 17 June 1990 in intensifying political conflict between Inkatha and ANC supporters in the area.
An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death by Inkatha supporters in Elufafa, Ixopo, Natal, on 6 June 1990 in intensifying political conflict in the area.
An ANC supporter who was shot and stabbed to death by Inkatha supporters at his home in Ntuzuma, near Durban, on 18 February 1990 in ongoing political conflict following the release of Nelson Mandela from prison a week earlier.
She had her home in Ntuzuma, near Durban, burnt down by Inkatha supporters on 18 February 1990, allegedly because her son was an ANC supporter.
Was stabbed and burnt to death by ANC supporters in Caluza, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, on 7 September 1987, allegedly because the family was perceived to be associated with an Inkatha supporter. The family home was burnt down in the attack.
An Inkatha supporter who had his home burnt down by UDF supporters in Molweni, KwaZulu, near Inchanga, Natal, on 26 December 1986.
An ANC supporter who was severely beaten in Inanda, near KwaMashu, Durban, on 15 July 1990 in ongoing political conflict between ANC and Inkatha supporters in the area.
A UDF supporter who had her house damaged when a group of Inkatha supporters and Caprivi trainees attacked a UDF meeting in a house at Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 18 January 1988. Nine people were killed and an estimated 200 people were injured in the attack. The group went on to destroy ...
A UDF supporter who was stabbed to death by Inkatha supporters in Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 28 August 1989.
A UDF supporter who had his home burnt down by Inkatha supporters in Maqongqo, Table Mountain, near Pietermaritzburg, in June 1989 in intensifying political conflict in the area.
She had her home in Caluza, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, burnt down by ANC supporters on 7 September 1987, allegedly because the family was perceived to be associated with an Inkatha supporter. Ms Mdlalose`s husband was killed in the attack.
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