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the Zulu cultural nationalist organisation, which became the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in mid-1990.

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A UDF supporter who had her house in KwaHaza, near Howick, Natal, burnt down by Inkatha supporters on 26 April 1989 in intensifying political conflict in the area.
An ANC supporter who was shot dead when Inkatha supporters attacked a group of about 20 people at Swayimane, Table Mountain, near Pietermaritzburg, on 3 January 1991. Eight people were killed and one was seriously injured. Mr Mhlongo was allegedly shot while fleeing from the attackers.
Was severely injured when Inkatha supporters abducted, stabbed and beat her in KwaMashu, Durban, on 8 August 1985, allegedly because she was perceived to be a UDF supporter. Following the death of UDF leader Victoria Mxenge in Umlazi on 1 August, political conflict quickly spread to areas north of ...
He had his home at Swayimane, Table Mountain, near Pieter-maritzburg, burnt down by ANC supporters on 29 October 1989, allegedly in politicised factional conflict between the Makhatini and Mabheleni tribal groups. Eight Inkatha supporters were killed, and many houses were destroyed by fire.
An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by Inkatha supporters at Vulisaka, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, on 28 March 1990 in political conflict following the unbanning of political organisations in February 1990.
A UDF supporter who was shot and injured by members of the SAP in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, during a battle between Inkatha and ANC supporters on 7 October 1989. The police allegedly opened fire in an attempt to disperse the crowd, and shot Mr Mhlungu as he was leaving the scene.
An ANC supporter who was shot and injured in an attack on his home by Inkatha supporters at Ntuzuma, near Durban, on 7 December 1989.
Was hacked and shot dead by named Inkatha supporters on 25 August 1989 in KwaMakhutha, Amanzimtoti, near Durban, in intensifying political conflict in the area.
Was repeatedly harassed by Inkatha supporters at KwaMakhutha, Amanzimtoti, near Durban, in December 1989, after her son had allegedly been killed by the same perpetrators during political conflict.
An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death by a named Inkatha supporter in Umlazi, Durban, on 10 June 1990 in intensifying political conflict in the area. Mr Mjoli was allegedly confronted by IFP supporters because he was wearing an ANC T-shirt.
An ANC supporter who had his house in Ntuzuma, near Durban, burnt down by Inkatha supporters on 7 December 1989.
A UDF supporter who had his house, business premises and vehicles burnt in an arson attack by Inkatha supporters in Ntuzuma, near Durban, on 27 November 1989 in intensifying political conflict in the area.
She had her houses in Edendale, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, burnt down by Inkatha supporters on 29 March 1990 during the seven-day war.
She had her house in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, vandalised by a named Special Constable in April 1988. The incident took place on the day she was burying her son, a UDF supporter, who had been killed by Inkatha supporters on 17 April 1988 in political conflict.
Was killed when he was stabbed in the head by Inkatha supporters on 8 August 1985 at his house in KwaMashu, Durban. Following the death of UDF leader Victoria Mxenge in Umlazi on 1 August, political conflict quickly spread to areas north of Durban.
An ANC supporter who had his house in KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down by Inkatha supporters on 25 August 1989 during intensifying political conflict in the area.
An ANC supporter who had her house burnt down by Inkatha supporters in April 1990 in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, during political conflict following the seven-day war.
Was shot an injured by Inkatha supporters during political conflict near Hammarsdale, Natal, on 8 December 1987. Two of the perpetrators were granted amnesty (AC/1999/0332).
An ANC supporter who was stabbed and severely injured by Inkatha supporters near Hammarsdale, Natal, on 18 June 1989.
An ANC supporter who had her house set alight by Inkatha supporters in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, on 30 March 1990, during the seven-day war.
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