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the Zulu cultural nationalist organisation, which became the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in mid-1990.

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An Inkatha supporter who was beaten to death by UDF supporters in Ixopo, Natal, in August 1989.
An ANC supporter who was shot and injured in an arson attack on his home in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, by Inkatha supporters on 30 March 1990.
An Inkatha supporter who was shot and stabbed to death by UDF supporters on 29 June 1989 at K Section, Umlazi, Durban.
An Inkatha supporter who died after being shot and stabbed by UDF supporters in Creighton, Natal, on 9 July 1989.
An ANC supporter who had his home in Pietermaritzburg burnt down by Inkatha supporters on 19 September 1987 during intensifying political conflict in the area.
Was stabbed to death during an arson attack by Inkatha supporters in Richmond, Natal, on 4 April 1990. Mr Mbanjwa was shot and had managed to escape, but was then caught and killed.
A UDF supporter who had his house looted and set alight on 6 April 1990 when a group of Inkatha supporters attacked UDF supporters and residents at Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, in spite of a heavy police and military presence. Fourteen people were killed and at least 120 homes burnt down. One ...
A UDF supporter who was stabbed to death by Inkatha supporters and thrown into a river in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 27 November 1987.
An ANC supporter who had his house in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, set alight by Inkatha supporters on 30 March 1990, during the seven-day war.
An Inkatha supporter who was shot dead by UDF supporters on 16 September 1988 in Isipingo, Natal.
She had her home at KwaShange, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, looted by Inkatha supporters on 27 March 1990, during the seven-day war.
An Inkatha supporter who was severely beaten by UDF supporters in Ixopo, Natal, on 17 September 1989.
An ANC supporter who had her home burnt down by named Inkatha supporters in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, on 30 March 1990, during the seven-day war.
An Inkatha supporter who was shot dead by UDF supporters in Ixopo, Natal, on 9 September 1989.
Was shot dead by named Inkatha supporters during political conflict at KwaMashu, Durban, on 28 October 1987.
An ANC supporter who had her home in Amaoti, Inanda, near Durban, burnt down by Inkatha supporters on 15 February 1989 in intensifying political conflict in the area.
An Inkatha supporter who had his home burnt down by ANC supporters at Richmond Farm, near KwaMashu, Durban, on 20 February 1990.
She had her home at Umkomaas, near Durban, burnt down by Inkatha supporters during January 1990 in ongoing political conflict in the area.
An ANC supporter who was shot dead by Inkatha supporters at Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 25 September 1989 in intensifying political conflict in the area.
An ANC supporter who lost his shop and its contents in an arson attack at Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, on 6 December 1988 in intensifying political conflict between UDF and Inkatha supporters in the area.
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