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the Zulu cultural nationalist organisation, which became the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in mid-1990.

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will testify that in the neighbourhood, especially the inhabitants provided his service not as a member of a political party, he was not a member of Inkatha. Up till today he's still not a member of Inkatha and he works for the community as a whole not like you testified that he worked against ...
If your neighbour hated you so much, maybe you had beautiful things or admirable things, he would tell on you to the comrades and claim that you were Inkatha and therefore you will be killed.
give background information as to what led to the incidents but I can just briefly say that there was a conflict in 1990. We were a united group of Inkatha and ANC members and when all this started there were fights in the hostels and people ran away to the Vusunzi Hostel and we remained in the ...
MR MALAN: Do you have any idea why Mathloko and Loabeli went after him? Why the Inkatha people followed him specifically? What was his activity? Why would they have done that? Have you any idea? Do you have any feeling about that?
MR NDLOVU: Not that we thought of it. We knew it for a fact that these were ANC people because Inkatha people did not go into that area, and normally after they’d held a meeting the houses will be burnt and people will be killed. I remember one day we had to go collect corpses from that area who ...
Do you have any idea why that was? --- I have the knowledge why they didn't do anything, because my children were fighting with the ANC and those people were calling themselves Inkatha.
MR ARMOED: We were protecting the community in fear of Inkatha and gangsters.
... at a meeting, and I've already explained that for such an instruction to come out to attack a bus, it was because of the attack of the rally, the Inkatha rally, and I did explain at length. It was not indiscriminate, because that was carrying a message across to the people that we were ...
I must also add, Mr Chairman, that a Mr Msisi, a member of parliament of the Inkatha Freedom Party asked or initiated a meeting the last Friday, past Friday. I was in attendance there and he informed me that as far as he is concerned he is appearing for certain members or victims of the Thokoza ...
what is happening here. Somebody said that Inkatha has arrived. I heard another one saying please forgive us - he was talking in Zulu - please forgive us, we are of the same nation. I know him well. He asked for forgiveness, but there were shots fired. There were many shots fired. Somebody said ...
... members to be eliminated, this caused considerable tension between our organisations at the time. Another example was in the UDF's relationship to Inkatha. Initially the UDF adopted a somewhat ambivalent attitude to Inkatha, on the one hand there was a strong view within the UDF that we should ...
MR NGOBESE: In Cottonland there was trouble between the ANC and IFP. Inkatha wanted to rule Cottonland and also the chiefs of the area wanted to rule the area and therefore there was no peace, we experienced problems there.
CHAIRPERSON: Now when you changed allegiance, became a member of the ANC, did you have the same attitude towards members of Inkatha that they were now the enemy?
MR SITHOLE: I decided to become a UDF member, because the UDF was fighting for the, for human rights. It was not against human rights and Inkatha was harassing the people, killing them, taking their clothes and properties, doing all the things that were not acceptable within the community. ...
... is a certain man who used to reside in the hostel or was a hostel dweller, who was involved with a resident within our area. He was a member of Inkatha and used to wear Inkatha T-shirts and at times he would coerce members of the community to join ...
... there was a white car standing by the store. They said let's get into the hostel. The police said we cannot do that, because we are scared of Inkatha, afraid of Inkatha. Then some voice said no, you cannot do anything, just escort us. The police said okay. They drove their car and they ...
MR MATELA: They were patrolling because there were rumours that there were people who were going to attack - there were rumours that Inkatha might form part of these people.
MR MWELI: What I know and what I will be able to say is that it was burned because my sister and my elder brothers were IFP members, known as Inkatha at the time, as well as the fact that they used to teach at Zulu schools.
... I told them that he was my boyfriend, and they told me that I knew that policemen were not wanted in the township because they are associated with Inkatha. I told them that yes, I know, but my boyfriend is not associated with Inkatha because he lives with me. That’s how I responded to their ...
... fairly small march, where they actually walked down Plein Street in a easterly direction past the Shell House entrance. There was a small group of Inkatha marchers, they were escorted by Police. There were ANC - well I take it that they were ANC people because they had guns, they were waving ...
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