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Orde Boerevolk

a militant right-wing organisation formed by former security policeman Piet Rudolph

Putco bus massacre; Right wing Orde Boerevolk cell members amnesty applications
... of 9 October 1990 was a politically motivated act of war, they said. In June of that year Piet Rudolf, leader of the right wing organisation, the Order Boerevolk stole weapons from the South African Air Force Headquarters in Pretoria and declared war on the National Party government. He sent ...
Well we will just take what is ours, we’ll occupy what is ours and we will defend what is ours. Any party, organisation or nation that wants to deprive us of that right will be seen as the aggressor and we will answer that aggression with the necessary steps.
... attack on several white pedestrians by a group of black youths in Durban earlier the same day. The judge said that court could not… // The ‘Orde Boerevolk’ and the AWB have been found guilty on seven charges of murder and 26 charges of attempted murder in the Supreme Court… // Outside ...
... come true. ‘Swart gevaar’ and ‘rooi gevaar’ let loose. In June 1990 one of the many mushrooming right wing factions of the time, the Orde Boerevolk, declared war. Their stated strategy was one of assassination of ANC and National Party leaders. They never got that far. But in ...
... They however said there was no evidence that the leader of the group, Piet Botha had acted on instructions or with approval of the AWB or the Orde Boerevolk. They said that the other two members of the cell had however acted on the instructions of Piet Botha. Amnesty was granted to Adriaan ...
... finding that seemed to deviate slightly from their earlier positions on race as a political motive. These three men belonged to the AWB and Orde Boerevolk and attacked a bus of black commuters in Durban in 1990 killing seven passengers. The applicants said this was a revenge attack for an ...
Johannesburg magistrate has ruled that two members of the Orde Boerevolk, Leonard Veenendal and Darryl Stopforth can be extradited to Namibia. A decision now rests with the Minister of Justice, Mr. Kobie Coetzee, on whether the two should be handed over to Namibia to stand trial.
... Boer community obtained through negotiations with the Zulu nation a century ago. Leader of the Northern Natal Boer Commando and also leader of the Orde Boerevolk is Leonard Veenendal. He was released from prison after a lengthy hunger strike with right winger Piet Roedolf. ...
In October 1990 three men belonging to the right wing Orde Boerevolk attacked a bus of black commuters. Seven people were killed and 27 injured in this racially motivated attack. Piet Botha, Adriaan Smuts and Eugene Marais had executed the attack. They wanted to kill black people in revenge for an ...
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