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people's warExplanation ... security force operatives, the right- wing and sectors of the IFP, who clearly believed they were arming and training people for a full-scale war. 129 While little evidence exists of a centrally directed, coherent and formally constituted ‘third force’, on the basis of the above: THE ... ... opponents and discouraged the taking of prisoners. Of these Koevoet members, fourteen were involved in more than one hundred contacts. One member, Warrant Officer L Kilino, notched up 221 contacts in which 346 people were killed and only twenty-three captured. For an unknown reason, this ... ... the CP. Derby-Lewis had engaged in a discussion with Dr Treurnicht who indicated that it would be justified to kill the anti-Christina situation of war. Derby-Lewis contended that his senior position in the CP gave him the necessary authority to take the decision to assassinate Mr Hani on behalf ... with ammunition. 350 In addition to the many lives that were lost, an estimated 20 000 people were displaced during 1991 in the so-called Richmond war. 351 Although the Richmond violence was portrayed as solely ANC–IFP conflict, the amnesty applications of a former SAP member exposed the ... ... did your national service, you came home and life carried on as normal. Your girlfriend was proud to have somebody who was on the border, and the war was far, far away. None of us had ever been to Namibia. 35 Mr Ledgerwood started his national service in January 1980, with the Second South ... ... and the acts of violence committed in the process were undertaken for a just cause. Others faced the dilemma of being conscripted to fight a war in which they did not necessarily believe. A minority became conscientious objectors, condemned as traitors to the nation and faced with the ... cases it was necessary to eliminate activists by killing them. This was the only way in which effective action could be taken against activists in a war situation … to charge someone in the normal court structure and go through the whole process was cumbersome and occasionally totally inadequate ... ... speech as a ‘call to arms for Afrikaners’ implying that, although diplomatic channels remained open to the CP, its followers should prepare for war and arm themselves accordingly. There was increasing fear within the CP of a National Party (NP) handover to an ANC/SACP government without a ... commander of this SDU to take control of the situation. However, the ANC refused to arm the SDU and left them to their own devices. The result was a war between the two groups in the Trevor Vilikazi area, leading to injuries, deaths and the destruction of homes. 435 By October 1992, the ANC REC ... ... from the communities they would return to police. 69 Special constables were created according to the Malaysian model of counterrevolutionary warfare, popularised by American counter-insurgency theorist James McCuen. They drew too from the Rhodesian experience. A paper by Major General FMA ... ... that, shortly before this event, Mfana Kunene had attended a night ‘camp’ meeting at which “they were given some orders that in the time of war they must distinguish between the ‘comrades’ and the IFP people”.66 At the meeting, he was told to kill his brother, who was a ... Gross violations of human rights in the context of the ‘people’s war’ 67 In some cases, ANC supporters were responsible for perpetrating gross violations of human rights in contravention of the express policies of the organisation. Some of the individuals responsible have applied for ... ... 1990, was marked by a renewed escalation of civil strife in the province. One of the major expressions of this was the so-called ‘Seven Day War’ in the lower Vulindlela and Edendale Valleys south of Pietermaritzburg at the end of March 1990 (see below). 217 In July 1990, Inkatha was ... ... Both are dealt with elsewhere in the Commission’s report. Marion involved the building of the counter-revolutionary capacities of Inkatha as a bulwark against the UDF and ANC. Katzen involved efforts to build a traditionalist, ethnically-based bulwark against the resistance movements in the ... the people who were wronged. He said: People who it was found that they were enemy agents, we executed them, I wouldn't make an apology. We were at war. If it can be proved that they were executed wrongly, I would be stupid not to say I apologise. But once people were threatening, the people who ... and urges that government and civil society adopt the national programme of action proposed by the South African Human Rights Commission, and work towards a society free of racism, xenophobia and related intolerance. 9. It proposes further that government move urgently to implement related ... assaulted and chopped on the head with an axe. Despite telephone calls to the police for help by both Mr Maseko before the attack and Ms Maseko afterwards, the police took over an hour to arrive. Mr Maseko subsequently died in hospital as a result of head wounds. The Maseko family had to flee ... emerged in the accounts of what happened in the 1980s when the United Democratic Front (UDF) and the Azanian People’s Organisation (AZAPO) were at war with each other. Tremendous pressures were put on black journalists by both sides involved in the dispute, making them terrified to write ... ... disputed the legitimacy of the state. In doing so, they contributed to the dismantling of apartheid. 16 Very early on, the former state became aware of the pivotal role of children and youth, identifying them as a serious threat and treating them accordingly. Dr Max Coleman spoke of the ... about his involvement in the SADF as a conscript in the Navy during the late 1970s and early 1980s. He spoke honestly about his participation in the war: As I look back upon this period, it is with deep shame and regret that I took part in these acts of sabotage and violent destabilisation. The ... |