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people's warExplanation ... and released soon after. 353 The Bisho massacre of 7 September 1992, which is dealt with below, seems to have set off an undeclared all-out war in Ciskei. A week after the massacre Mr Jimmy Kula [EC2120/97CCK], a headman and ADM member from the Msobomvu area of Middledrift, was stabbed to ... remember thinking “how dare you, I’m talking to you, how dare you ignore me...why don’t you answer me” and then this is what I was told afterwards. I had my 9mm in my hand and I was just pushing my way through the team ... and apparently what happened was I started ripping … Sean had put ... chapter on Historical Context as well as volumes 2 and 3, which address national and regional events in narrative form. 1899 The South African War between Britain and the Boer Republics ends with British victory in 1902. 1910 Union of South Africa comes into being. 1912 South ... ... and the ANC and PAC turned to armed struggle in the 1960s, so the language of the apartheid security apparatus broadened. From the late 1970s onwards, the language of ‘total onslaught and total strategy’ enmeshed people increasingly in a discourse of militarism, side-taking and ... ... Madikizela-Mandela issued several statements and conducted interviews in which she attacked the church for orchestrating a massive cover-up. The war of words continued into February. Following the identification of Stompie Seipei’s body, several members of the MUFC, including Mr Jerry ... ... one of tens of thousands who peopled those seemingly interminable queues at the end of which, in general, bad tempered clerks and officials might reward one with some endorsement or other in the ‘dompas’. The whole process of the influx control offices was painful and degrading and particular ... ... ‘Magic Bones’ Madi had told him that a friend had promised to take him across the border into exile. Although the deponent was suspicious and warned his son not to go, Dikgope went out that evening and never returned. The deponent reported the disappearance to the police but was told to ... ... Goldstone Commission in the course of the investigation – in ways that could only be construed as obstructive. Further, once the police became aware of Goldstone’s interest in false passports, those in possession of such passports were requested to bring them in for destruction. Similarly, ... ... (for example members of the Koevoet Unit) who were killed or seriously injured in combat (during, for example, the Namibian and Angolan ‘border wars’) and Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) or Azanian Peoples Liberation Army (APLA) soldiers killed or seriously injured in combat were not viewed as ... ... Thlapi remains unknown. None of the police officers involved in his arrest and detention applied for amnesty. The facts of this particular case warrant a new investigation and possibly future prosecutions. 51. A number of amnesty applications from security force members confirm the above ... ... AWB propagated the use of violence to resist the ANC winning the election and that it called upon its members to prepare themselves for a state of war. The applicants had believed that the revolution had begun before consuming liquor on the day in question. Drunkenness could not therefore have ... ... governments in violation of international law and the sovereignty of those states; and further that these domestically generated foreign wars and military operations resulted in the gross violation of the human rights of non-South African nationals on a vast scale. k Evidence ... ... of violence in Sebokeng, Soweto commuters were attacked on trains by armed men alleged to have been Inkatha supporters, who chanted the Zulu war cry, “usuthu”. 645 Although only 15 per cent of commuters used trains, violence on trains between July 1991 and June 1992 occurred twice as ... The Pondoland Revolt11 70 The granting of self-government status to Transkei and Ciskei (in 1963 and 1972 respectively) was a first move towards setting up homeland parliamentary systems, separate homeland legislation and separate homeland police forces. (Military structures followed only at ... ... away with a vehicle, arms and ammunition and a trunk containing R140 in cash. 73. Mr Jardine testified that, at the time, the AWB was preparing for war because the ANC was going to take over the country. In this volatile political climate, the AWB co-operated with the IFP because they shared ‘a ... Volume TWO Chapter SIX Special Investigation into Project Coast SOUTH AFRICA’S CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAMME ■ INTRODUCTION 1 The Commission's hearings into South Africa's Chemical and Biological Warfare programme (the CBW programme, also known as Project Coast) during the ... ... Cultural Liberation Movement is formed. Mozambique and Angola become independent. The SADF takes over responsibility for the counter-insurgency war in Namibia. South Africa launches Operation Savannah, an invasion of Angola with US support (but withdraws the following year). The Special ... ... 99 By concentrating only on individual, or on a limited number of prominent human rights violators, as was the case in the Nuremberg and Tokyo war tribunals, many perpetrators and co-conspirators remained in obscurity. The structures of society and its most formative institutions remained ... ... force agencies had a long history. In April 1986, the State Security Council approved guidelines for a strategy for a counter- revolutionary war, which, amongst other things, emphasised the fact that the forces of revolution should not be combated by the security forces alone, but also by ... ... it was time to see “bodies” while exercising “hard options”. After searching several cars for weapons they wanted to confiscate for their war, they assaulted and later shot the occupants of two cars. Oelofse allegedly requested a symbol of their activities and an ear of one of the ... |