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people's warExplanation ... people who were pro-ANC, SACP or PAC. We want to say categorically we did not choose ourselves, nor did we put our own names forward. We were nominated in a process open to anyone - whatever their political affiliation or lack of it. We were interviewed in public sessions by a ... ... of the American political scientist, Harry Eckstein, that : In the real world of phenomena, events occur not only because forces leading towards them are strong, but also because forces tending to inhibit, or obstruct, are weak or absent.10 Politics in the region 51 One of the factors ... civilian targets. We followed the political objectives of the African National Congress in the course of a just struggle. However in the course of a war, life is lost, and the injury to and the loss of life of innocent civilians becomes inevitable. The challenge before us was to avoid ... sanctions-busting enterprises; in the smuggling of ivory used to finance UNITA; in procuring supplies and substances for the Chemical and Biological Warfare programme (described elsewhere in this volume); and by the CCB both in the collection of intelligence and in the execution of operations. The ... ... of the period between 1984 and 1986, resulting in a large number of deaths. The Mamelodi massacre in November 1985 (thirteen dead), the ‘Six Day War’ in Alexandra in February 1986 (nineteen dead), the ‘White City War’ in Soweto in August 1986 (twenty-four dead) and the Winterveld ... ... Buthelezi knew that the Caprivi trainees were to be illegally deployed in an offensive manner against people perceived to be anti-Inkatha and was aware that such armed resistance would entail the risk of unlawful death and injury. He was held accountable for killings and attempted killings. The ... ... atmosphere conducive to abuses. 34 Former MK leader Mr Ronnie Kasrils, speaking during the Commission’s public debate on the notion of ‘just war’, said: “I’m not saying that there weren’t certain departures, certain aberrations”. Similarly, the ANC submission to the Commission ... ... about it. There is consensus that atrocious things were done on all sides. We know that the State used its considerable resources to wage a war against some of its citizens. We know that torture and deception and murder and death squads came to be the order of the day. We know that the ... ... advanced for the attack was that the IFP was forcing them to leave the area and that they were being displaced f rom their homes. 103. Internecine war also took place within the ranks of the SDUs. A number of SDU members were killed in internal clashes. Internal fighting among the ranks of ... ... on police stations in the East Rand (T Chadwick [AM5193/97]). The weapons’ heist at the Eastern Cape Flagstaff police station in March 1994 was thwarted when the police were warned of the impending attack by an informer and AWB commander Patrick Pedlar. The AWB applicants were granted amnesty ... Private non-state entities were not subject to the same restrictions and scrutiny. The traditional exceptions to this have been found in the area of war crimes and crimes against humanity which, even under the traditional definition of human rights, can be committed by any individual or entity. ... ... techniques in France in about 1968. Officers known to have attended this course include: TJ ‘Rooi Rus’ Swanepoel, Major JJ ‘Blackie’ de Swardt, Hans Gloy, Roelf van Rensberg and Dries Verwey. 126 It is further believed that, in the early 1980s, joint co-operation agreements between ... ... must be ungovernable, those were the means to try and send a message to the government. That is why we are in this present situation today. In a war, if you focus on a certain target and there are stumbling blocks in front of you, you would start with them because we would not be able to reach ... ... in gross violations of human rights occurred in the period 1990 to 1994. The victims were almost exclusively people perceived to be sympathetic towards the ANC. The exception was a handful of KZP members who were killed by their own colleagues after they refused to cover up Inkatha or KZP ... ... (however ill-conferred) was in a far stronger position than were the liberation movements. 15. The Commission also never characterised the war that the former state waged against its own people as either morally or legally justified. 16. The Commission also took care not to use apartheid ... ... motivation for the deployment of troops in the Vaal townships is summarised in Mr le Grange’s declaration: “as far as we’re concerned it is war, plain and simple”.28 277 In response to the deployment of troops in the townships, a range of UDF-affiliated organisations and trade unions ... ... groupings in the enforcement of boycotts, in the case of the gruesome ‘necklace’ murders which numbered many hundreds from the mid-1980s onwards, in the case of violence by the Mandela United Football Club, in the case of askaris, and most prominently in the murderous violence between ... ... MR BOTHA: I was under the impression that the campaign of terror by the PA C against Whites had now commenced, and since we had already declared war against the National Party, and as a result of this attack, I as cell leader felt that we should launch a counter-attack to prove to the ... ... the political environment. In some areas, such as Soweto during the early 1990s and later in the East Rand, violence degenerated into an ongoing war of attrition with hundreds of people fleeing their homes to escape the killing. 538 Conflict between hostel-dwellers and residents of adjacent ... ... he did not feel the pain that we were under. If he was in my shoes, he would not speak the way he is speaking n o w. … We had to continue the war until the political leadership, our political leadership, PAC, gave a command that we must stop fighting. Our political leaders h i p had not ... |