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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Vigilantes 62. A key technique of counter- revolutionary war was the mobilisation of sections of the community who were regarded as loyal to the government and could be expected to resist pro-ANC groups by force. In some cases such elements were armed, as with the provision of arms and ...
... later, local magistrate JN Theron prohibited the report-back meeting at the royal kraal. An estimated 25 000 people assembled the following day, unaware of the magistrate’s prohibitions. Commuters were stopped by youths at barricades on the Pretoria road and redirected to the royal kraal. The ...
... because the government would sit up and take notice of African people’s demands in the light of ongoing attacks on white people. He said he was aware that the PA C was involved in the negotiations process at the time; but was also aware that the PAC had resolved at its December 1993 Congress ...
... A “Top Secret” NIS document on Katzen, which appears to have been drafted during rather than after the operation, lists those involved in or aware of Katzen as including President PW Botha, SADF chief General Jannie Geldenhuys, army chief general Kat Liebenberg, the commissioner of police ...
... inextricably linked to the struggle for control of the South African state. Hence there is a sense in which the large number of people who died in wars and conflicts in the neighbouring states since 1960 did so, to some extent, in the furtherance of the South African struggle. While it is ...
... about the ‘young lions’. The UDF expressed pride in the efforts of this generation: In general, the generations of young people from 1976 onwards have been … should be amongst the most admired citizens of this country. They laid down life and limb to wage the struggle … Generally the ...
... state of emergency had been declared the evening before and the first nightly curfew had just ended at 04:00. Many commuters were probably still unaware of the emergency or the curfew. They were met at each station by a human blockade of armed police and soldiers, supported by vigilantes armed ...
... The political conflict over independence and incorporation which engulfed the KwaNdebele area from mid-1985 until 1988 became, in effect, a civil war. Human rights violations – committed by a variety of individuals and groups on all sides of the conflict – were numerous and widespread. ...
... to increase the organisation’s military and political offensive. A strategy was adopted which aimed at the seizure of power through a people’s war. This involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable ...
... one would use going out to attack, so that the targets should get drunk and not see what’s happening, and to protect oneself against bullets in a war situation, and one would easily come back safe. 202. Inevitably the violence began to eat into the soul of its perpetrators and victims. Many ...
... either alone or in concert with the Riot Unit and Inkatha supporters. Examples are to be found in the Trust Feed killings in 1988 and the Seven Day War in 1990 (see Volume Three). 89 The recruitment and deployment of special constables in the KwaZulu/Natal area provided an overt armed capacity ...
... conditions provided opportunities for prolonged abuse and torture. Torture was also used as a method of intimidation by police and soldiers in the war zone, and as a way of extracting ‘operational’ information quickly. Torture methods reported in the South West African press, in affidavits ...
done by bankers who even gave us covert credit cards for covert operations. Our chaplains prayed for our victory and our universities educated us in war. Our propaganda was carried by the media and our political masters were voted back into power time after time with ever increasing majorities.2 2 ...
... to pay substantially more than the going wage for relatively unskilled (or skilled labour). To the extent that apartheid policies exercised downward pressure on African wages, all firms benefited, at least insofar as minimising costs was concerned. Some paid meagre wages in order to stay in ...
■ SYMBOLIC REPARATION / LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE INTERVENTIONS 78 Symbolic reparation measures are aimed at restoring the dignity of victims and survivors of gross human rights violations. These include measures to facilitate the communal process of commemorating the pain and celebrating the ...
... long table… David did his usual thing by coming around and greeting us all, and he was squatting, chatting to Bob and me when I suddenly became aware of something that sounded like firecrackers. I saw Rhoda Macdonald throw back her arms and die, and I did exactly the same thing. I swung around ...
... of skills to enable them to assist victims of human rights abuses. These should include crisis management, critical incident briefing, trauma awareness training, referral skills and knowledge of available resources. Specialised trauma counselling services 105 Specialised emotional trauma ...
Psychological problems 20 Internationally, the best-documented psychological consequences of human rights violations relate to the effects of torture. Torture can lead to wide ranging psychological, behavioural and medical problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder whose symptoms include ...
■ URGENT INTERIM REPARATION 54 Urgent Interim Reparation is the delivery of reparative measures to victims who are in urgent need. During the life of the Commission, urgent interim reparation was granted to certain victims. It was further recommended that all applicants be considered for this ...
■ WHAT CONSTITUTES REPARATION AND REHABILITATION 23 Section 1(1) (xiv) of the Act defines reparation as including: “any form of compensation, ex gratia payment, restitution, rehabilitation or recognition.” 24 The proposed reparation and rehabilitation policy has five components: Urgent ...
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