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people's warExplanation by journalists who were allowed to travel with security force units, as well as by court testimonies by security force members. At the height of the war, in the early to mid-1980s, Koevoet alone claimed a kill rate of around 300 to 500 people a year, for which its members were paid a bounty per ... ... the Cape and the brutal treatment they endured between 1652 (when the first slaves were imported) and 1834 (when slavery was abolished).b The many wars of dispossession and colonial conquest dating from the first war against the Khoisan in 1659, through several so-called frontier conflicts as ... 310 Others shot dead in the Six Day War in 1986 included: Mr Solomon Mosue [JB01578/01GTTEM], Mr Jerry Molebatsi Smiles [JB01777/01GTTEM], Mr Steven Sithole [JB01734/01GTTEM], Ms Lucy Ledwaba [JB02499/01GTTEM] and Mr Jerry Mthembu [JB00130/01GTTEM]. Ms Daisy Mashigo [JB01877/01GTTEM] was shot by ... ... 126 Hundreds and probably thousands of South African private sector companies made the decision to collaborate actively with the government’s war machine. This was no reluctant decision imposed on them by coercive apartheid legislation. Many businesses, including subsidiaries of leading ... in the normal way. 80 The result, according to the NP submission, was: … more authority to the security people to fight a very specific kind of war, and across the world where this type of war occurred there have been these aberrations. 81 The version of the Freedom Front submission was ... Police misconduct Riot Unit Activities 239 Mr William Basil Harrington [AM0173/96], a member of Riot Unit 8 from 1988–91, told the Seven Day War hearing that: When the ANC was unbanned, I never went to a lecture or anything like that which would explain to me that they were no longer ... ... represented a hearkening back to the idea of the Boere republics, confiscated by the British and finally lost in the turn of the century Anglo-Boer War. If the African liberation struggle in South Africa was a ‘just war’, so too was the struggle of Afrikaners to restore the Boer republics. ... you and Annamarie feel during this meeting with his parents? Mr Smit: I’ve got no grudge against them. I mean it was actually a rebellion. It was war. In war things happen that the generals don’t plan. Nobody plans it. It just happens. You don’t always – it may happen that the troops ... ... by racism – a powerful socialising principle. The period was further characterised by two major historical phenomena: decolonisation and the cold war. Racism 19 Race was a powerful organising framework, drawn on, to varying degrees, by all parties in the conflict. 20 White South Africans ... ... of refugees, particularly from Owamboland. 1980–1988 82 The fifth period falls between 1980 and 1988. From around 1980, the nature of the war began to change. South Africa increasingly relied on Koevoet, a newly-formed special police counter-insurgency unit, which became notorious for ... ... Conventions In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peacetime, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognised by ... the state and its citizens. This kind of truth was central to the Commission. 44 The Act required that the Commission look back to the past and forward to the future. In this sense, it was required to help establish a truth that would contribute to the reparation of the damage inflicted in the ... may be the primary context for the struggle, two other, wider, contexts combined to produce the particularly volatile mix in South Africa. The cold war context 67 The first was the international climate of cold war, in particular the virulent form of anti-Communism and anti-Marxism that took ... ... for other activities. In a highly significant admission, Mvokwe refers to his involvement in a particular attack. While police blamed ‘the taxi war’ for the attack, the ANC insisted it was the Lingelethu West town councillor grouping. Mvokwe’s admission supports the ANC’s version of ... ... the country during the 1980s and 1990s. 29. The Commission stated that: [w]hile the PAC proclaimed a military strategy of a protracted people’s war, which involved the infiltration of guerrillas into the country to conduct rural guerrilla warfare and attacks in the township, in actuality, the ... ■ CONVENTIONAL WARFARE The war in Angola I was then in the military, you know in the paratroopers and the Special Forces, and I was decorated for a couple of operations in South West Africa. I don’t know if I must apply for amnesty for Kassinga … It was probably the most bloody exercise ... ... TAKES NOTE OF THE EXPLANATION TENDERED BY THE PAC THAT ITS ACTIVITIES IN THE EARLY 1960S NEED TO BE UNDERSTOOD IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ‘LAND WARS OF THE TIME’, IT NEVERTHELESS FINDS THAT THE PAC AND POQO WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMMISSION OF GROSS VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS THROUGH ... 1990s: The IFP-ANC war for supremacy in KwaZulu, Natal and the PWV 279 The role of the IFP in the political violence in the early nineties is dealt with under the relevant sections of the Commission’s report. In brief, the IFP was found to the foremost perpetrator of gross human rights ... ... logistical support to such operatives. MOTIVES AND PERSPECTIVES PAC/APLA perspectives 295. The PAC believed that its members were fighting a just war of liberation from white domination. Its definition of the enemy included all those identified as ‘settlers’ rather than ‘Africans’. This ... were young men like myself who wanted justice and an end to apartheid; thus the SADF was not fighting a foreign aggressor but was engaged in a civil war. The message struck home. I decided that it was no longer possible for me to go to military camps or to prepare for action in Namibia. My motive ... |