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people's warExplanation Showing 221 to 240 of 916 First Page•Previous Page 8 •9 •10 •11 •12 •13 •14 •15 •16 Next Page•Last PageVolume ONE Chapter TWELVE Regional Office Reports DURBAN OFFICE ■ INTRODUCTION 1 The Durban regional office operated across the two provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State – each with widely differing political and social dynamics. Although the office served a total population of ... ■ METHOD OF WORK Commissioners allocated to region 10 The regional office was allocated a single commissioner, the Revd Bongani Finca, formerly of the Border Council of Churches. Four committee members were assigned to it: Mr Ntsikilelo Sandi, Ms Judith ‘Tiny’ Maya and Ms June Crichton ... ... in positions of power. This scenario was not particularly conducive to the desired culture of respect for human rights and a positive attitude towards the work of the Commission. 3 Some families of victims of human rights violations, such as the family of Steve Biko and Griffiths and ... 1985 Government Notice No 76: Provided for emergency regulations for the maintenance of law and order. Commenced: 7 July 1985 1985 Government Notice No 109: Gave power to a district commissioner or non-commissioned officer of the Transkeian Police, or a chief having jurisdiction in respect of ... ... office as they visited rural areas. Preparation included briefings, pamphlet distribution and radio publicity. In many areas, hostility was shown towards the statement takers and, on several occasions, they had to be withdrawn when their safety could not be assured. In some cases, the Public ... Population 7 The Western Cape has a population of 3.6 million people, comprising 8.9 per cent of South Africa’s total population. According to the 1993 census, the population composition is: 58.4 per cent coloured people, 23.7 per cent white people, 17.1 per cent African people and 0.8 per ... ■ DOCUMENTATION RETRIEVAL 22 Material was retrieved from the National Archives, as well as the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), the South African Police Service and the SANDF archives. Cabinet minutes, minutes of the State Security Council and its substructures and other forms of state ... ■ THE LEGAL AID BOARD 14 Section 34 of the Act, quoted above, set out the Commission’s obligations regarding the funding of legal representatives. 15 Special meetings were held with the Legal Aid Board leading to agreements on the set forms that people would use when applying to the ... Management and Operational Reports HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ■ INTRODUCTION 1 The tasks of the Human Resources Department were: a policy development, implementation and maintenance b recruitment and selection of staff c administration and maintenance of salary structures, procedures and ... ■ METHODS OF WORK AND CRITERIA 14 A code of conduct was drafted as a basis upon which the behaviour of staff could be evaluated. In general, members maintained high levels of discipline and conducted themselves in a committed and dedicated fashion. 15 For official identification purposes, ... ... 12 The approach of breaking up the data into logical components lent itself to implementation on a relational database, which was why Oracle software was chosen. Once the logical model of the database was finalised, it was built in record time (it took exactly one month from the start of the ... ... possible to any evidence given at a hearing that implicated him in any human rights violations. It also agreed to take all reasonable steps to forward to him statements that implicated him in human rights violations before evidence was heard, and to inform him when and where it would be heard. ... ... to South Africans the untold stories of their past in its weekly documentary, ‘TRC Special Report’. In 1996, the programme won a special award from the Foreign Correspondents’ Association. ... 3 The work of the Department began with a series of workshops held during the first months of the Commission in the geographic areas covered by the Cape Town, Durban, East London and Johannesburg regional offices. These events brought together a range of community-based people, historians, ... ... been counter productive and served to repress traumatic and psychological realities. 17 On occasion, individuals were referred to briefers for onward referral to support services. However, by and large the only way (barring final reparations) that the deponents’ needs could be identified was ... ... high expectations of direct and immediate service delivery, the Commission, on the whole, managed to navigate a path that went some way towards restoring human dignity and facilitating the delivery of support. 10 The witness support strategy represented a creative and successful ... ... to the statement-taking project was implemented. In conjunction with this, more than 400 000 leaflets calling for victims and survivors to come forward and make statements were distributed. These were distributed particularly in areas where the Commission’s regional offices felt that not ... 36 Following is a list of the human rights violations hearings organised in the Eastern Cape and a short description of important trends or cases dealt with: a East London (15 - 18 April 1996). This was the national launch of Human Rights Violations Committee hearings, the first of its kind. It ... ... Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth) for easy access by deponents. After a few months, however, it became clear that few people were coming forward to make statements, and a more proactive strategy was needed. By the beginning of 1997, personnel were re-deployed: one each in Umtata and ... 1986 Black Communities Development Amendment Act No 74: U Introduced freehold rights in urban black townships and extended the definition of ‘competent person’ such that TBVC citizens could acquire leasehold or ownership (Budlender 1989: 5). The 1984 Black Communities Development Act was ... |