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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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MS GAVU: I went down the Maduna Street. There were people lying next to Station 16. The police didn't allow us to get closer to see what was happening. We were next to the hall. The ambulances were there and they were transporting people.
MRS RAMOSEPELE: He came home at night at about eleven o'clock. When he got home, I asked him where do you come from at this time. He told me that I had been arrested Phokeng earlier. I was arrested by the police of the former Boputhatswana government, because he had a T-shirt with Kotsilibone's ...
INTERPRETER: He is referring to his co-accused, that's the people that he was talking to.
MRS MNGADI: Yes, they went and took me at home. It was on the 20th of June. The police took me at home. They took me to Algoa Park. From Algoa Park I was transferred to Bethalsdorp Police Station. I was detained there. From there I was transferred to North End Prison. At that time when I was ...
A combi arrived and they started shooting at the people who were inside the combi. As they still did not know what was happening the other gang who had arrested them or forced them into the hostel went to the combi and that's when they started scattering and running in different directions trying ...
CHAIRPERSON: You were connected were you not, with other incidents where explosive devices were sent to people?
MS CRICHTON: And when these people came, you spoke to
MR VAN DER MERWE: You are satisfied that this device that you built was safe, in terms of people handling this parcel without opening it?
Well I can’t really say, because I was working, but there were quite a few people around the ambulance, a lot of policeman.
The penultimate operation of the hit squad was the murder of Sipho Zulu which took place on 3 December 1992 at Claridge. During May 1992 the 1st Applicant was attacked by a group of people who tried to rob him of a shotgun. Included in the group of attackers was Sipho Zulu and his ...
One policeman by the name of Matambo, Philip's friend and he said that his father said that Philip has been shot and Mr Matambo saw him fall down and when he went there to check he found out it was Philip. This boy asked us not to say that we heard this news from him because it was secret ...
If we have gone on with some evidence we will interpose the Cry Freedom applications to dispose of them. The reason for this is that it appears possible, if not probably, that the hearing will not be completed by Friday and it seems ridiculous that people who are only involved in the Cry Freedom ...
We as the Commission, we will try to help people with regard to this matter. Your request is that if your husband died, you want his remains to be brought back to you so that they can be reburied and I think we will look at this matter.
MR MBANDAZAYO: Will I be correct if I say that you yourself you cannot be in a position to say that in actual fact they did die or a certain number of people who were injured except that what you read from the paper or you heard over the radio?
MR MOTHIBI: On the 16th of December 1985, it was a Sunday. It was at night when we were still asleep and I heard people knocking. They knocked at all doors. Before I could even answer the doors were kicked and I realised it was the police.
REV XUNDU: What did the people at the Alexandra Funeral Undertakers say? Who gave them authority to take the body?
That's right, thank you. I had some reservations about coming forward but I feel now that it's imperative for people to come forward, to get to the truth of what has happened in South Africa. The role of teachers in the time of the unrest, was very important. But before I go onto that, I would like ...
... when a Springbok Patrol vehicle passed that place and they could not continue with the robbery. My question to you Mr de Kock is whether you are aware that the first attempt to rob Coin Security took place approximately a day or two before the Carousel ...
Both, or all these three incidents, it does appear that the applicant was in the company of a superior or of other people he regarded as his own comrades, and in execution of a mission which was tabled or which was agreed upon between the members or was the instructions, the direct instructions of ...
MR NGUBANE: Thank you Mr Chairman. Indeed we did go to Umbumbulu area in an attempt to find out whether Mr Wasserman would be in a position to point out the spot where Mr Bhila was eliminated. Unfortunately, we had a lot of difficulty, Mr Wasserman couldn't even remember the turn off which they ...
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