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people's warExplanation Showing 241 to 260 of 916 First Page•Previous Page 9 •10 •11 •12 •13 •14 •15 •16 •17 Next Page•Last Page1990 Discriminatory Legislation Regarding Public Amenities Repeal Act No 100: A Repealed the 1953 Reservation of Separate Amenities Act as well as various other Acts ‘...so as to abolish the distinction made therein between persons belonging to different races or population groups’. ... ■ PART II: HOMELANDS Introduction: Self-governing territories and independent homelands The major pieces of legislation governing both the ‘independent homelands’ and the self-governing states were the National States Constitution Act 21 of 1971 and the National States Citizenship Act No ... 1979 Internal Security Act No 32: Empowered Government to declare an organisation unlawful and to control the distribution of publications. Meetings of more than twenty persons were declared unlawful unless authorised by the magistrate. This Act repealed the whole of the 1950 Internal Security ... by the General Laws Amendment Act of 1963 that torture became far more prevalent. Section 17 authorised any commissioned officer to detain without a warrant any person suspected of political activities and to hold them in solitary confinement, without access to a lawyer, for ninety days. In ... Security Legislation of the Homelands: It is in the security sphere that the independent homelands demonstrated their willingness and ability to pass and administer legislation to great effect. In legal terms, the four independent homelands had complete sovereignty, with their own police and ... 1950 Immorality Amendment Act No 21:A Extended the 1927 Immorality Act to all black people - including coloureds and Asians (Dugard 1978: 70). Commenced: 12 May 1950Repealed by s 23 of the Sexual Offences Act No 23 of 1957 1950 Population Registration Act No 30: A Required people to be ... 1937 Industrial Conciliation Act No 36:W Provided for the registration and regulation of trade unions and employers’ organisations, the settlement of disputes between employers and employees, and the regulation of conditions of employment.Repealed by s 56 of the Industrial Conciliation Act No ... 1977 Acquisition of Immovable Property Control Act No 21: Provided for state expropriation and other powers. Commenced: 2 September 19771977 Military Discipline Act No 23: Specified punishment for military disobedience. Commenced: 12 August 19771977 Aliens and Travellers Control Act No 29: ... CISKEI 1975 Proclamation No 86: Provided that the Legislative Assembly could, by petition, request the State President to remove a minister from office and order the appointment of another. Commenced: 29 April 1975 1977 Proclamation R 252: Gave the government of Ciskei powers to declare a State ... 1982 Internal Security Act No 74: S Following the recommendations of the Rabie Commission of Inquiry, this Act provided for the following: Sections 4 and 6: Banning of organisations, if the Minister had reason to believe than an organisation was using, encouraging, or threatening violence or ... 1856-1910 Masters and Servants Acts: W These Acts, which had been passed between 1856 and 1904 in the four territories, remained in force after Union. They made it a criminal offence to breach the contract of employment. Desertion, insolence, drunkenness, negligence and strikes were also ... 31 In the small towns, statement takers found that white people generally would not even co-operate with requests, for instance, to leave pamphlets and posters at their shops. The attitude of white people was generally negative, and there was a poor turnout of white people at the hearings. 32 ... ■ WORKING WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS45 Without the co-operation of civil society organisations, the Commission would not have been able to do its work. Before every hearing, in many small towns, Commission representatives met with local faith communities, NGOs and community organisations. These ... ■ METHOD OF WORK Commissioners allocated to the region 15 As in other regions, the Cape Town regional office included a Human Rights Violations Committee and a Reparation and Reconciliation Committee. Commissioners Adv Denzil Potgieter, Ms Mary Burton and committee member Ms Pumla ... Volume ONE Chapter TWELVE Regional Office Reports JOHANNESBURG OFFICE ■ INTRODUCTION 1 The Johannesburg regional office was located in the heart of downtown Johannesburg and served four provinces: Gauteng, Mpumalanga, the North West Province and the Northern Province. The area includes some ... 60 When the Commission moved into an area, an initial workshop was held to bring people together in order to find out how they could assist. Groups that were interested in supporting the work of the Commission helped logistics officers set up pre-hearing meetings and organisations volunteered to ... ... after each of the public hearings. These focused on the community’s experiences of the Commission’s activities in the area, possible ways forward and workshopping of possible human and financial solutions that could be implemented using local resources. In many instances, these workshops ... 1969 Public Service Amendment Act No 86:S Established the Bureau of State Security (BOSS) (Horrell 1978: 449). Commenced: 1 April 1969Repealed by s 37 of the Public Service Act No 111 of 1984 1970 Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act (National States Citizenship Act) No 26: P Required all black ... 1957 Group Areas Act No 77:U Consolidated the law relating to the establishment of group areas and the control of the acquisition of immovable property in those areas. Assent gained: 24 June 1957; commencement date not foundRepealed by s 49 of the Group Areas Act No 36 of 1966 1958 24 August: ... 1966 Group Areas Act No 36:U While in theory this was not discriminatory legislation, it was implemented in a way that was advantageous to whites (Dugard 1978: 82). Commenced: 26 October 1966Repealed by s 48 of the Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act No 108 of 19911966 Industrial ... |