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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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... salary structures for the Commission’s staff. 20 Because the Commission would only have a short lifespan, it opted for a simple and straightforward ‘cash package’ approach, with salaries offered as a package with no benefits attached. 21 The human resources director, the financial ...
... routes would be followed. Incomplete applications were referred back to the analyst with further instructions. Completed applications were forwarded to the Committee by different routes. If the application did not involve a gross human rights violation and a public hearing was, therefore, ...
■ APPENDIX 1 Structure of the SADF ■ APPENDIX 2 Table indicating number of people serving in the Civilian Force in 1980 and 1992 Year Total Strength of CF in the SA Army Percentage of army forces available for operation 1980 92 300 32% 1992 243 000 45% Table ...
... and children’s rights 6 In 1995, South Africa ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), an important step towards securing South Africa’s rightful place in the world community of nations. The CRC imposes important obligations and responsibilities on its ...
■ THE CONTEXT Social and political context 6 Drawing on a number of extensive studies of the opinions of white students during the 1980s, Mr Jannie Gagiano of the Department of Political Science, University of Stellenbosch, painted a statistical picture of what he called the “closed ...
... and shared within the framework of the healing ethos of the Commission. Recognition of the inhumanity of apartheid was seen as a crucial step towards establishing a human rights framework for children and young people in order to ensure that they be given the opportunity to participate ...
52 The following is an extract from a written statement to the Commission by Ms Anne-Marie MacGregor whose son, Wallace, died while he was doing duty in the SADF on the Namibian-Angolan border 14: And then on Thursday, March 9, I was confronted with the total shock of the news of his death. I ...
Others believed, equally vehemently, that the enemy was not out there; that the border was here in our midst, that certain things happened in waging wars that were thought to be totally necessary - things that must make us all hang our heads in shame. This issue, like so many in our apartheid ...
there were all dead people in there … It was as if I was alive and all these people were dead. I was so disturbed but I would never, never let the wardresses know ... But they did destroy me.... My suggestion is that no prisoner, regardless of their crimes, should ever be in isolation per se ...
Dislocation and displacement 110 Large numbers of children, particularly in KwaZulu-Natal, were displaced or ran away from their homes to avoid the violence. Many of them have still not returned and others have not been able to find their parents. Many children also suffered the trauma of ...
... routine was ghastly but familiar. The Sheriff would arrive at Pretoria Maximum Security Prison with a batch of notices in his hand … The prison warders would walk down the silent corridors between the individual cells, and footsteps would stop outside. Those that were, in [the opinion of the ...
... living in security institutions behind barbed wire, and supervision by persons with wide powers to command and punish.7 24 The irony is that, towards the end of the period under review, having been in prison for political reasons became a badge of distinction, most obviously symbolised in the ...
Intimidation of families 71 The childhood of the children of activists was often filled with fear of police intimidation and violence. Ms Nolita Nkomo was born in February 1970. Most of her recollections of her early teenage years are of threats and intimidation, especially when members of the ...
... Execution is capital punishment (death sentence) imposed and carried out by a legal or authorised body such as court of law or tribunal. Victim is aware of death sentence. Perpetrators are the state, homeland governments, or security structures of political movements. Killing is all other deaths, ...
Preparations for the hearings 15 The preparatory work began with the dissemination of information about the Commission and its work, followed by the gathering of statements and background information. 16 Preparatory discussions, during what was usually an eight-week cycle, often coincided with ...
Volume FIVE Chapter TWO Victims of gross violations of human rights ■ INTRODUCTION The list which follows was taken from the database of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (the Commission) on 30 August 1998. It contains the names of all those people who, by that date, had been found by ...
... how application forms should be completed and where assistance could be obtained in completing application forms. In general, this contributed towards the enhanced formal quality of applications received, although a large percentage of applications fell short of the formal requirements.14 A ...
106 At the faith community hearing in East London from 17 to 19 November 1997, Chief Rabbi Harris described some of the concrete work that members of the Jewish community are engaged in, born of a sense of shared responsibility for past wrongs while at the same time being sensitive to the pitfalls ...
SEVERE ILL TREATMENT CODE DEFINITION Severely beaten BEATING Badly or severely beaten, or beaten for a long period. Victim may be hit, kicked, punched, twisted, specifying part of the body (for example, feet, face, head, genitals, breasts), or object used (for example, sjambok, ...
The definition of ‘severe ill treatment’ 50 As the broadest category provided in the legislation, this was the one that required the most careful consideration. It became extremely difficult to decide exactly what constituted an act of sufficient severity to be included. As statements were ...
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