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people's warExplanation Showing 321 to 340 of 1003 First Page•Previous Page 13 •14 •15 •16 •17 •18 •19 •20 •21 Next Page•Last Pageeach other and you shared with me and with other staff members, quite a bit about your own pain and suffering. Does the briefer want her to move forward a bit? Okay, we know that you have been aware of what other people have said this morning. There were quite a few people who presented to us ... the police station. My mother was not willing to go, I was not willing to go. Eventually I went. When I arrived at the police station to go and find out what was happening, one of the policemen was very rude to me. He said to me: " Who are you coaming for?" and I said I'm coaming for Jonathan ... 3rd Applicant's evidence was that he drove the vehicle in which Schoon and 1st Applicant went to the function at Malopo's Oog. He was not part of any of the discussions relating to this incident. On the way back he recalls 1st Applicant and Schoon discussing things about a problem. He recalls ... MRS MPANDE: There was a lot of interruption. Every night they use to surround the fence. They use to ask the people, what do you want here, go away and what. The roads were blocked from Beaufort Street top up to upper Ragland Road, cars could not go past. "At the time it was common knowledge that the police were collaborating in harassing the ANC. There had been many instances where people, that is ANC people had been killed, shot at. At one time a house attack, that is the Midlands Chairperson, Mr Harry Gwala, which had been attacked by these ... 3. Assaults on various people during the interrogation following the Cafe Zurich bomb explosion. The Committee is satisfied that the attack was associated with a political objective, that the Applicant has made a full disclosure of the role he played in the attack and of the identity of the other people involved. On 15 March, I was a member of those people who were taking the memorandum. He read the memorandum, he explained to us that 20 minutes we should disperse. When we were supposed to disperse, they gave an order that the police should shoot us. It was terrible. Your testimony concerns an experience that you had in July 1985 which is also indicative of the situation at that time and the way in which people were treated by the security forces, particularly the police. Now would you like to tell us what happened to you in July 1985. MS MKHIZE: Now that you are here at the Commission you also said Andrew had a child and you will appreciate if you could get some aid or help. What else would you require the Commission to help you with regarding the grandchild? You also stated that you would like us to help find your son. Is ... MR NHLAPHO: I do not know the people I shot at, I just knew that I was shooting at members of the IFP. Their specific names are not known to me. MRS LEDWABA: When people had gone to funerals there were many Hippos. People were not even able to eat after the funerals because the police and the soldiers were shooting teargas. I buried my son with the help of the Church congregation. When we left for the cemetery the Hippos were also ... And he - she told me that my brother was shot in Street 10 and I woke up I was shocked - I went to my uncle in Street 5. Because my brother was in my uncle’s house and I told my uncle that my brother was shot in Street 10. We both went there and we heard people crying there in Street 10. My ... MR KOLISI: He was still very young. Besides the fact that he was very young, I would like to get into my story. At the time when he was still at home he was talking about the political situation and also the youth and it was apparent to me that they were having meetings, they were known as COSAS ... MS VAN DER WALT: Were you in any way involved with the preparation or the identification of the houses and any monitoring, to determine how many people would be inside the houses? MR SANDI: At the time you made your appearance in court, were you the only one or were there other people with you? to them I could not because I have been affected by the sugar diabetes disease. They said that is no problem as the people in exile will be coming back to the country. They are going to help. MR BERGER: The same people that he spoke about, you confirm? Applicant saw the deceased leaving his home, disarmed and assaulted him. Soon more people caught up with the deceased and continued the assault, eventually pouring petrol over the deceased and setting him alight. The deceased died in the incident . MR ROSSOUW: And you did not see the people who were involved in there as well? |