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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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MR MGULWA: Yes because the Chief wanted to do whatever he pleased with the people. He did not agree with that. Then there were killings.
MR MAKGAE: You know it was a tendency around this area for people to come to a funeral.
... around - so the one that was standing there with the shotgun said to me - los die vark af. Leave the pig alone. So I thought - jy is ‘n bloody coward. You are a bloody coward - and the two in the van they started laughing. So I said to them - Ja, witman gat honde - julle sal lag. White ...
MRS WILLIAMS:: Michael was eleven at the time and he was a quiet boy. The day that he was shot I was at work and I only found out the next day that he was dead, because at the time of the shooting people were taking kids into their houses and I was still hoping that he was waiting at one of the ...
... how the people were leaving the hall. And suddenly those people started running. I also ran and suddenly I just felt lame and I felt something warm running down my leg. When I looked down I saw blood, when I picked up my skirt I saw there was a big hole in my leg. I started crying and I ...
MS MKHIZE: Often when people approach the Commission they have specific needs in mind. Can you just tell us the kind of thing that you hope to achieve by coming to the
MR SANDI: Were there people Mrs Bata, who were arrested for this ?.
MRS RANTAO: They were people were fighting in the village.
MEMBER OF PANEL: Mr Acting Chairperson, I would like to call upon Mrs Makiwane. Mrs Makiwane, before I can request that you can take an oath I would like to confirm the statement that you have given me. I would like to state that we are prepared to listen to your presentation so that if there are ...
MS TSHABALALA: This has become a family matter. There is a thing that we didn't discuss much, it seems as if it's something wrong that he did that caused his arrest. As a family and others we are the only people who knew exactly what happened.
MR MTHETHWA: What they told us was that during that time the ANC was fighting for the freedom of the people and they wanted there to be negotiations between the Black as well as the White people, but it seems the White people didn't want to understand the viewpoint of the Black people. That is ...
3.1 They stole the vehicle (i) so as to be able to move around, (ii) to steal or rob people or institutions of weapons on a small scale and later, using these ill-gotten weapons (iii) attack bigger depots for more weapons and then (iv) arm as many people as they would have in the meantime recruited ...
ADV SANDI: Were these people looking for your husband who is sitting next to you now?
MR BOKABA: Chairperson, let me explain it this way. The people who went to fetch this person, was Paul van Vuuren and Joe Mamasela. We knew about this operation because we were waiting in a kombi somewhere in Mamelodi, with Dennis Selatle and Hechter. We knew about this operation at that ...
PROF MAGWAZA: I see here you mention Mr Bezuidenhout as one of the people who tortured you. Is he the only one? Can you, do you have the identify of others? No, no, okay, well I am not going to ask you for the identity of others, but he is the only, is he the person who did most of the ...
"The pursuit of national unity, the well-being of all South African citizens and peace require reconciliation between the people of South Africa and the reconstruction of society;
Iron Guard of the party. In 1991 he attended a party rally at Kempton Park where Mr Terreblanche, the leader of the AWB said they were committed to war to prevent the country being handed over. He later became friends with Harmse's daughter and went to meetings of the BWB. he explained that the ...
We shot at them and they also returned fire as we shot at them. We were lying on our stomachs. And this was continuing, a police vehicle approached from the Eden Park direction, which is close to the hostel. And the police shot at us and we returned fire. We were trying to find a way of ...
... casspir. That, according to him, was why he decided to open fire. He however knew that the instructions were to arrest the people and was quite aware that the minibus was engulfed in teargas. In fact, there was so much teargas that one witness said he could only see the frame of the minibus. ...
In conclusion the Committee is satisfied that the offence was committed with a political objective, that the context in which the offence took place was in the course of the political struggle and in reaction to the use of the building for the furthering of the political objectives of the ...
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