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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Gandlanani Village is situated in an undeveloped rural area where residents followed a tradition way of life. Like in many other similar communities, the residents of the village held a deep seated belief in witchcraft. The Applicants were no exception. They similarly believed in the ...
CHAIRPERSON:      And so you went, it is recorded as you're saying - "She then went to the shebeen.  After about 10 minutes I followed her.  I went there to call her.  She came and said there aren't any people there".
Once at Umgababa he, his co-Applicants and other people from his area joined some sort of self-defence units and engaged in training with firearms and other weapons. They were involved in a number of attacks and incidents of political violence against neighbouring areas that were prevalent at the ...
[Indistinct] ... to get the situation clear in my mind, on the day when you were shot what was the situation in Paballelo? Was there unrest? Was there police activity?--- There was unrest during that time. As you know, every year on the 15th June arrangements are made for the commemoration on ...
Incidentally who in the Army is deciding that, are they MK people or SADF people?
MR KNIGHT: Thank you Mr Chairman. With regard to Mr Mfalapitsa, Mr Chairman, there appears to be a breakdown in communication in obtain his instructions as well as to having him here today. Arrangements were made at the inception of this hearing for him to be present today and there were interim ...
The Committee find it highly improbable that when the applicant took a decision on his own, he would do so with people unknown to him and agree to share equally with them and thereafter hand his share to Mabina. Viewing this application objectively, the applicant would have approached members of ...
CHAIRPERSON: Because it has become obvious during the few days we have been here that there are difficulties in conducting hearings here in Durban where the incident took place, in the North or South Coast and where the people live there.
He testified that Congress Mtsweni introduced him to two persons called Mike and James. Mike and James, who were in fact Joe Mamasela and the 2nd Applicant respectively, had asked Congress to introduce them to Mr Mazibuko and John Mlangeni, as they were wanting to establish units to defend the ...
MR HOBOYI: The people who attacked us, we didn't know where they were coming from. We were asleep, it was me and the other twins were staying next door to us. The house was a newly-built house, it didn't have burglar proofing. Outside I heard gunshots. I was dreaming of people
The Applicant described a situation of ongoing political conflict between members of the PAC and members of the African National Congress ("ANC"). He related a number of incidents in which people were killed, homes burnt and people forced to leave the township.
On the day of the attack the Applicant was asleep. Three people came to him. They were Sipho Nkwanyana, Nhlanhla Mcellak and Sicelinhlanh'a Cele. He woke up ad joined about thirty others. He told the group that they should go to Mr Chonco's house and that no one should be allowed to come out, ...
It was submitted by Mr Matjele who appeared on behalf of the widow of the deceased, that the applicant had not made a full disclosure, because he did not disclose the identity or names of the people who had joined him in the attack on the deceased.
It is common cause that the applicant was a commander in the SDU which was formed in Meadowlands, Soweto, and the one formed at Merinohoek in Queenstown. He was a member of Umkhonto weSizwe (MK), the military wing of the African National Congress (ANC). Among others, his duties were to establish ...
MR DUMAKUDE: When I first joined the Special Operations unit, my responsibilities were to infiltrate the trained cadres and to help them to find accommodation and also to give them materials which they will need for their various operations and also to recruit people and also to recruit others to ...
On the other hand, there is ample indication that the deceased discussed the issue of the NUMSA theft with a number of people. She never mentioned the existence of the alleged "hit list". We are satisfied that Applicant's principal motive for committing the murder was to silence the deceased and ...
You give a very long answer, but in the third paragraph you say in other words, we had to obtain this information for the people who possessed that information, and whether it was from Gen Moller or whether it was from his Intelligence Staff, I can't confirm one hundred percent. But the ...
During December 1989 a watershed meeting was called by the UDF in Kabusi township. This meeting was attended by high-profiled UDF and local leaders. The meeting was held in the Matomela church hall in the township. The hall was unable to accommodate the masses who had turned up for the meeting. ...
MR DOS SANTOS: Yes, we always had Pentolite and other forms of explosives that we used for destroying things. We would also have explosives which had been picked up by people on their property. We had many sorts of explosives which we would make use of.
... hearing now, and this letter indicated that they never received any notice and the one documentation. Now on the strength of him not having been aware of the notice service at the AW offices, the documents were then sent to them last week Friday, couriered, because, Mr Chairman, we don't serve ...
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