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people's warExplanation Showing 561 to 580 of 1003 First Page•Previous Page 25 •26 •27 •28 •29 •30 •31 •32 •33 Next Page•Last PageCHAIRPERSON: Before we carry on with that, we're referring to this person, or two people at least, as "beeswagters", is it common cause that they were "beeswagters"? The first applicant testified that the present meeting, prior to the incident, during which a decision was taken that licensed weapons would be carried when members of the AWB marched to the meeting, he was in the forefront of the procession together with the second applicant and was arrested ... MR MDLALOSE: November 1977 we planted a bomb in a car park in Benoni. This bomb was not intended for the car park but unfortunately, the place we intended to plant it at, by then there were full of people moving around there so we had to divert it to this railway car park station which was run by ... It is common cause that in Durban black people were members or supporters of several political organisations or liberation movements, namely the ANC, SACP, PAC and the IFP. Good before I ask you to tell us a little bit about yourself and then also to tell us about your daughter, I would like to just read some of the context statement that has been prepared by your research team so that we understand what the context was and - at the time of your daughter's shooting. ... it will not support your son's child. You have requested this amount and this shows that you just want your son's child to be educated. We will forward your request to the President of this ... The attack on Ledig Police Station would be seen as a sign of hope by the Ledig people as the police of Bophuthatswana portrayed themselves as invincible. This would be a moral boost. ... [Indistinct] ... want to repeat the Chairperson's welcome. Thank you for sitting here through what has been a long day. It is not easy coming towards the end of a day when we have heard many very painful and difficult stories and I hope the audience will give you as much attention as they ... I was told that this very notorious policeman of Special Branch in Soweto has been terrorising our people, the school children and so on. Jabu and the other group went into a rigorous training in - after the assessment was made of people who come from that area, who knew the area very well and ... Firstly his political affiliation is quite different. In his application he stated that he was a member of the African National Congress and Umkhonto weSizwe whereas in his evidence he stated that he was a supporter of the Black Consciousness Movement. Secondly he implicates a number of other ... ... and in the course of the conversation De Kock told Nieuwoudt that he had supplied the weapons for the Duli attempted coup. Nieuwoudt was not aware of this fact. Nieuwoudt said the overthrow should not be seen as a failure at that stage because there were four (4) other people with AK47 ... MR LAX: One other aspect of your application concerns me a great deal and that is you have not told us anything about how you came to part him with his money and his watch. What happened to his money and his watch? You people stole R400 from him and you took his watch and you were convicted of ... MS MTANGA: You mentioned that your Commander was Thebogo. Were there other people who were members of the unit and if so, what were their names? But in another way - it could be, because you hear, that all though he was killed in this gruesome way, for the people of the community - he died as a hero. And so as his daughter, you can gain encouragement from the knowledge that you have a father who paid this very heavy price, but gave his ... From there he couldn't sleep, he had nightmares and blood was flowing all over. Some of them couldn't even walk. Then they said, "Your boy are stubborn, you write in the newspapers that we policemen are killing people". On that newspaper it was written that police were killing people and they ... MS SOOKA: Can I ask people please to keep quiet. MR MNGONA: Even in the community, things should be improved, the schools, the villages, everything in our community so that we can enjoy life just like other people in other areas. Crause testified that he accompanied Loots, Smit, Wehrmann and Modise. He helped Modise to cross the flooded Ramotswe river and thereafter accompanied him to a house which he pointed out as the target to the Special Forces members. He and Modise then stayed behind while the three members ... All the Applicants testified that they then noticed a group of people at the Tavern with Selai who had been captured and was being interrogated and assaulted for having assisted the IFP in terrorising the community. The fourth Applicant stabbed Selai on his hand with a knife. The second Applicant ... MR LAMEY: Did you foresee the possibility, and when I refer to this incident I also refer to the other incident, that people could be injured and/or killed? |