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people's warExplanation Showing 561 to 580 of 916 First Page•Previous Page 25 •26 •27 •28 •29 •30 •31 •32 •33 Next Page•Last PageThe Healing of Memories Project 12. The Healing of Memories Project is based in Cape Town and was established to facilitate the healing process of individuals and communities. It originated as the Chaplaincy Project of the Trauma Centre and is now the Institute of Healing of Memories. 13. One of ... Assessing applications and the President’s Fund Process 17. Once the forms were completed, they were forwarded to the relevant regional office where they were checked for completeness and then forwarded to the national office in Cape Town. On receipt they entered a systematic information ... ... further consideration of the issue. Moreover, it may be argued that there is something very positive about a country that wishes to move forward . 2. Although we may currently be experiencing fatigue about the consequences of the past, it remains true that if we do not deal with the past ... Volume SIX Section TWO ChapterS I X Reparations and Civil Society 1. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (the Commission) seized the imagination of many South Africans and, from the start of its work, initiatives aimed at healing and reparation sprang up all over the country. They provide ... ... Ministry in Pretoria : foreign banks would grant loans to Eskom only on condition that central government signed a declaration of guarantee or a warrant to the creditor banks. 31. During the sanctions years (1986 to 1989), foreign debt represented between 44 and 56 per cent of Eskom’s total ... The murder of Majalefa Mpohohle On 25 December 1984, Mr Majalefa Aaron Mpohohle was stabbed to death in Kroonstad by members of the gang when he went to the rescue of his cousin who was being threatened with rape. Six gang members were charged for the murder, and were convicted in 1988 [CR ... ... who were described in the courses as ‘your friends’. At the same time, members were encouraged to report ‘terrorists’ to the police and warned against ‘people who are trying to tell you bad things about South Africa’. They were told that ‘comrades’ organisations in townships ... ... his story of what happened that night. He arrived home from work at 18h00 and noticed a large group of men gathered outside the hostel. Soon afterwards, he heard gunshots, and people came running past, shouting that Inkatha was attacking them. He remained in his home until the fighting died ... ... of that mine. They didn’t even know him. … When they arrived there, they found him inside the house. I heard he tried to run. He hid behind the wardrobe. They broke the door in my brother’s bedroom, and neighbours were there watching but they were scared to do anything. They broke the ... Assassinations: IFP 400 list 309 The IFP provided the Commission with a list of 422 Inkatha/IFP office-bearers allegedly assassinated because of the positions they held in the party. 310 Of the 422 listed cases, eighty-one occurred after the Commission’s cut-off date of 10 May 1994; another ... ... heavily and lost consciousness a number of times. His torture included being hung out of the window by his feet while the policemen swung him backwards and forwards and banged his head against the wall. His arm was broken in the process. At one point during the torture, he said he could hear ... ... Zanele Cecilia Taliwe [KZN/NG/006/EM] told the Commission about the killing of her husband, April, on 19 April 1992. Mr April Taliwe was a shop steward of a COSATU-affiliated trade union and was employed at the Mondi paper mill in Richards Bay. He was also an active member of the ANC. Prior to ... ... demand for free political activity. Chief Buthelezi responded by calling on all young men from KwaZulu to be sent by their indunas for training as warriors to resist the ANC invasion. In the Nqutu district on the North Coast, a meeting of indunas was called which was also attended by Prince ... ... with Mr M L A Mhlongo, by an informal ‘people’s court’ on 8 October 1993 [CR 41–10–93]. The Killing of Julius Mkhize Shortly afterwards, Mr Julius Mkhize [KZN/NNN/043/PM], the newly appointed chairperson of the Richmond ANC branch,62 was forced to flee to Georgetown where he was ... ... consciousness. It was dark when I gained consciousness. I crawled out of the forest, which took me a long time. Police came and took me to King Edward Hospital where I spent four months. 416 Ms Doris Ngubane [KZN/FS/226/DN], told the Commission how she was raped by four members of the ... ... she been hacked with a panga, and that her sixteen-year-old son Njabulo had been shot in the eyes. Mabaso told the Commission that she was not aware of any police investigation into the matter. 403 The Commission was also told of the pain that parents endured when they were required to go ... Revenge attacks 396 A former IFP youth leader from Izingolweni, inland of Port Shepstone, applied for amnesty in respect of fifteen murders and eight attempted murders committed between 1991 and 1992. Mr Goodman Muswakhe Ngcobo [AM5632/97] was convicted in September 1993 on ten counts of murder ... Self-protection units (SPUs) 381 From the mid-1980s to the April 1994 general election, Inkatha supporters were trained by their leaders and/or by the KwaZulu Government in weapons handling and paramilitary tactics. Many terms were used to describe these trained fighters, including community ... ... that existed in the region during this period. The Killing of Vusi Ngcobo and Bonowakhe Gasa During 1990, a Roman Catholic priest from the Wartburg area, Reverend Garth Michelson, wrote a letter to the then Minister of Law and Order, Mr Adriaan Vlok, in which he expressed his concern ... from Vlakplaas to carry out the killing. A few days later Taylor met with Vlakplaas operatives Willie Nortje, ‘Duiwel’ Brits and ‘Blackie’ Swart and put them up at the Lion Park Hotel outside Pietermaritzburg. Local Security Branch member Larry Hanton was sent to assist the Vlakplaas ... |