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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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MR DU PLESSIS: No, I was going to place that on record now Mr Chairman. May I just place on record for purposes of Mr Visser and Mr Wagener, that Brigadier Cronje's application which was bound into the Bundles, was his first set of applications, which were already heard during the previous ...
After he was discharged from hospital, he was working for Mita, but he was having fits. Then when I asked him what had actually happened, he said they saw a group of people as they were patrolling, and these people were toyi- toying and they just heard gunshots and one fell and the others jumped ...
[Indistinct] ... to get the situation clear in my mind, on the day when you were shot what was the situation in Paballelo? Was there unrest? Was there police activity?--- There was unrest during that time. As you know, every year on the 15th June arrangements are made for the commemoration on ...
MR HOBOYI: The people who attacked us, we didn't know where they were coming from. We were asleep, it was me and the other twins were staying next door to us. The house was a newly-built house, it didn't have burglar proofing. Outside I heard gunshots. I was dreaming of people
MR JOUBERT : Can you recall whether there were any other people present or not?
political meetings, bearing in mind that the incident took place in 1992, long after the unbanning of political parties. All the evidence pointed towards the probability that this was a criminal offence for personal ...
What transpired at the border fence site was that the Applicants and others who were present there, saw four people passing them carrying bags on the way in to South Africa.  They then waited for the guide and whoever else might return to Swaziland.  After hearing the vehicle drive away they ...
MR BOSCH: It may be mistaken that he was involved in the incident that would be heard tomorrow or the day after, but I know there were other people.
Incidentally who in the Army is deciding that, are they MK people or SADF people?
MR KNIGHT: Thank you Mr Chairman. With regard to Mr Mfalapitsa, Mr Chairman, there appears to be a breakdown in communication in obtain his instructions as well as to having him here today. Arrangements were made at the inception of this hearing for him to be present today and there were interim ...
He testified that Congress Mtsweni introduced him to two persons called Mike and James. Mike and James, who were in fact Joe Mamasela and the 2nd Applicant respectively, had asked Congress to introduce them to Mr Mazibuko and John Mlangeni, as they were wanting to establish units to defend the ...
CHAIRPERSON: Because it has become obvious during the few days we have been here that there are difficulties in conducting hearings here in Durban where the incident took place, in the North or South Coast and where the people live there.
MRS MISHOMBO: We were residing in Meletsani township in Johannesburg in Johannesburg and on this day, the 29th, he left to go and look for his mother and her grandchildren, because soldiers, Government soldiers, would detain children. Gadja's soldiers were detaining people and late that night an ...
MR MBEKWA: The people who worked together with the Government they destroyed his livestock. They poisoned his cattle.
B MBALO: Yes, I can explain. In 1993 the COSAS asked that students should go and march in town. Then on Friday there is a river in our town, on a Friday there were many policemen beyond the river stopping people not to go to town until twelve o'clock when the school children would be taking ...
MR MAKOMA: It is not a normal thing to do, to know the people with their names. If you are told that these comrades are members of PAC, that should satisfy you. I was not interested in knowing their names.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you Reverend for starting our day for us by a prayer. We welcome people who are going to appear before the Commission to-day on our last day in Kingwilliam’s Town. We will ask Ms Maya to give us the order of the day. Thank you Mr Chairperson.
MR MOGOAI: Those are the people that I met for the first time when I was taken to that base. It was a caravan like house that I was taken to. Those are the people that I left with to that place. If I was in their company, then Mr Mngadi was the driver, because Mr Mbelo and Nzimande were not ...
The present Applicants, save for Brigadier Schoon, are the people who participated in the attack on the house used by Nyanda as a transit house in Mbabane, when Nyanda and McFadden wwas killed. Their evidence as to the motive for the attack and the details relating thereto agreed with those of ...
Applicant indicated that in the turbulent political mood that prevailed at the time, white people were regarded as the political enemy and were generally accepted as targets for attack by political activists. The attack upon the deceased was not planned but as Applicant indicated, they were only ...
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