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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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JUDGE MOTATA: Just to go back to you, Mr Coetzee? At the beginning, I don't know if I've got everything right, you said you are representing the family of Mr Neethling, the driver, who is now deceased. We are supposed to, in terms of the Act, if we do grant amnesty, that we should refer to the ...
MR MATJENI: I'm not able to state anything in regard to the photo album because it was used in various operations, it was shown to many people. But I don't remember in this particular instance whether the album was used.
MR VISSER: But you knew that the objective would be to attempt to kill if possible, these people?
Van Dyk ordered him to conduct an interrogation of Mngomezulu.  He did so, did not get any information except a few names of people that he did not know.  He never assaulted Mngomezulu.  He decided that continued interrogation would serve no purpose and that he had to be returned to ...
Pursuant to this decision, Applicant and a number of other ANC Youth League members proceeded to the Dysselsdorp police station on 22 June 1991 where they occupied the premises. At one stage three policemen were present at the police station, but two of them managed to escape leaving Mr Tarentaal ...
... knew the . He conceded that there might have been ill-treatment of Black people by a farmer or two, but stated categorically that he was not aware of it and that the deceased definitely did not ill-treat his ...
MR VILAKAZI: That is correct because in one incident when we were at a night vigil for comrade Mati, these people who were in the company of Sgt Meyer arrived and attacked us. I do not know how they got ...(indistinct) to attack the MG funeral or not, so it was obvious at that time that they ...
MRS NKENKE: Yes, there was going to be a prayer meeting concerning the people that were shot in 1983.
CHAIRPERSON: I greet you Ms Solomon. Thank you for your patience and tolerance but, you knew that your turn would ultimately come. In your statement you have referred to the fact that your husband, Nicholas Pakamile Solomon was one of the people who were shot dead on this day in question, is that ...
Then a Hippo arrived. There were police, white policemen. They asked me if I knew Abraham was dead in KwaNdebele. They said we do not want more than 50 people at the funeral. I went to KwaNdebele. I could not find corpses at the Government Mortuary. Where I found them I could not see ...
MS SOOKA: Were there other people who were shot in the same incident, by the same man?
From there he went to Petrus Mkwanazi, a senior to him, whom he requested to accompany them because he was older than him and would probably be taken seriously by the police. Mkwanazi agreed and Temba took them to a flat, also in Hillbrow, where they found a man whom Mkwanazi addressed. He told ...
After leaving hospital I went daily for physiotherapy for a year and during that period I went for another operation, a bone graft. I walked on crutches for two and a half years and had to depend on other people for assistance. My life was changed overnight. I lost my job and my medical aid. I ...
MR BOOYENS: When the assault had taken place there by Mr de Kock and the other people, did you interfere in any manner and if not, why not?
The following people participated in the execution of the order, Captain Baker, Wouter Mentz, Pieter Botha, Riaan Bellingan, Mr Nortje and Mr Chate.
Thank you very much, your story depicts to us how children would loose their parents in a terrible way. So many children are orphans as a result of that. It also reflex the injustices of the previous regime. This is why the Bishop said yesterday sometimes to go to a court of law was never an ...
MR POTGIETER: Thank you, you may be seated. Welcome to George as well. Mr Lizo, your evidence relates to two incidents. The first one concerns an incident which happened between 1986 and 1987 where you were arrested and tortured by the police, and the second incident relates to August 1993 when ...
MR BOOYENS: Was your function to drive the people in to the point where the ambush was set up?
6. When his attention was drawn to the fact that he had admitted his application form that he had committed the crimes, the Applicant explained that he was innocent, but had been advised that should he deny guilt, his application would have been reused in chambers in terms of the provisions of the ...
MR HUGO: Mr Chairman, we submit that our argument would be the same. What was actually more enlightening was when Mr de Kock said that if the problems with the protection of sensitive information, that they actually went so far as to kill people to protect those sensitive information and details ...
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