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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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... had his way, the killing as well as the reasons therefore would have remained unknown. While a surviving victim of abduction would be able to warn other black people to stay out of the town, a dead one would obviously not be able to do so. This is a further indication that no political ...
At that time in Barkley West - Barkley West was quiet and people were not yet aware of what was happening. And sometimes I would get advice from my friends at Kimberley. They were only giving me advice on political matters and when I was at Barkley I realised that many parents at that time ...
... was the first to be found, and he was severely assaulted. Thereafter the group went to the deceased's house where he was found hiding in a wardrobe. He was dragged out and killed by the mob next to a taxi ...
From there he went to Petrus Mkwanazi, a senior to him, whom he requested to accompany them because he was older than him and would probably be taken seriously by the police. Mkwanazi agreed and Temba took them to a flat, also in Hillbrow, where they found a man whom Mkwanazi addressed. He told ...
MR BRINK: He was in the security van when the van was ambushed by a number of these people and he was killed.
MR MANDLAZI: Sizwe would not have been beaten had he not been aggressive towards the questions that we were asking him about with regards to the arrest of Thandi Modise because to us it was just unbelievable that a person could work with a person inside the country, be involved in the ferrying of ...
After this incident, all of the ANC members, including the two applicants, left Gengeshe to stay at Ndaleni an ANC stronghold situated on the outskirts of Richmond. Their homes, which were abandoned, were burnt down. According to the police docket 30 homes were destroyed. Subsequent attempts to ...
MR BORAINE: Chairperson, for one reason or another we've had to change the order a little bit, so I hope the witnesses aren't becoming confused, everybody will be heard, but we are just trying to accommodate different people's needs.
MR NAUDE: C2 was not personally involved with the handling of informants, but to a greater degree, we did recruitments. We infiltrated members of the freedom movements and we interrogated people in detention concerning the training and the facilities of the organisations outside of South Africa.
I was on my way to work - Oranje Co-operative. On my way to work I was stopped by a group of people and they forced me to go to a meeting. I was aware of the meeting but I hadn't planned to go to the meeting but they forced me to go and I was then forced to the soccer field of the Eleven ...
The office was crowded by people. Then they asked me, are you the wife of the sell-out? I was pregnant at the time, the pregnancy was eight months.
MR LEWIN: Also in your statement Ma Motloung, you mentioned some specific names who people who Lindiwe said she saw actually shooting him. Was there ever a case made against them ? Any charge brought against them ?
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you Reverend for starting our day for us by a prayer. We welcome people who are going to appear before the Commission to-day on our last day in Kingwilliam’s Town. We will ask Ms Maya to give us the order of the day. Thank you Mr Chairperson.
MR NEMANE: Mr Chairman, one must bear in mind that these are relatively unsophisticated people doing things on their own.
CHAIRPERSON: I greet you Ms Solomon. Thank you for your patience and tolerance but, you knew that your turn would ultimately come. In your statement you have referred to the fact that your husband, Nicholas Pakamile Solomon was one of the people who were shot dead on this day in question, is that ...
Then a Hippo arrived. There were police, white policemen. They asked me if I knew Abraham was dead in KwaNdebele. They said we do not want more than 50 people at the funeral. I went to KwaNdebele. I could not find corpses at the Government Mortuary. Where I found them I could not see ...
MS SOOKA: Were there other people who were shot in the same incident, by the same man?
MRS NKENKE: Yes, there was going to be a prayer meeting concerning the people that were shot in 1983.
MR VISSER: But you knew that the objective would be to attempt to kill if possible, these people?
MR MATJENI: I'm not able to state anything in regard to the photo album because it was used in various operations, it was shown to many people. But I don't remember in this particular instance whether the album was used.
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