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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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... on those who were in their custody or incarcerated. In dealing with questions of accountability, one needs to establish whether the state was aware of the torture taking place and whether it took any action to prevent it happening. In other words, did the state take any action against its ...
28 One can, however, overstate the case. The hearings provided ample evidence that women fulfilled all roles in the struggle and suffered the full range of human rights violations. There were stories of women active – and abused — in all three decades covered by the Commission. There were ...
Applications refused 87. The Committee received a number of amnesty applications from persons in custody, which it refused either on the grounds that the incidents were not politically motivated or on grounds of lack of full disclosure. In most of these incidents, the applicants remain in custody ...
... not always understood. But the arguments were also often formulated cautiously in order to persuade stand patters and expedient adapters to move forward. 140 Implicit in any evaluation of the role of business under apartheid is an underlying conception of what the role of business should be in ...
FINDINGS Police officers as ‘legitimate’ targets 48. The PAC makes the assertion that they considered all police officers to be legitimate targets because they were the agents of apartheid and thus criminals. Their involvement with the apartheid government made them a legitimate target of the ...
Attacks on civilians 73. Attacks on civilians included those made on the King William’s Town Golf Club; Steaks restaurant in Claremont, Cape Town; Yellowwoods Hotel, Fort Beaufort; St James Church in Kenilworth, Cape Town; the Heidelberg Tavern in Observatory, Cape Town, and Amy Biehl in ...
Traditional leaders as ‘legitimate’ targets 62. The PAC treated traditional leaders who co-operated with the state as an extension of the apartheid system and thus as legitimate targets . 63. In 1962, members of Poqo attacked representatives of traditional authority in the homelands, killing ...
Links with international right-wing groups 13. Amnesty applications also confirm that right-wing groups had links with other i n t e rnational right-wing groups. However, deeply held suspicions regarding an i n t e rnational right-wing conspiracy in respect of the murder of Mr Chris Hani were ...
the founding Act to grant amnesty to those applicants who had satisfied the provisions of the amnesty legislation. The political context of the time warranted this approach. 27. However, the Commission notes that this problem is endemic particularly in many parts of Limpopo province. The ...
... d Establishing and maintaining an efficient and workable relationship between Commissioners, Committee members and staff members. e Striving towards establishing and maintaining bilateral co-operation between the Commission and various government departments. f Constantly assessing and ...
... sentence beginning on line 22 should read ‘Mr Johan Smit, whose son Cornelius died in the explosion …’ Page 284 ‘The Killing of Claire Stewart’. Replace ‘a British citizen’ in line 2 with ‘a South African national’. Page 294 The Commission’s finding in paragraph 348 is ...
... Committee has sent out almost out almost 19 000 Urgent Interim Reparations (UIR) forms. While to date more than half of these have already been forwarded to the President ’s Fund, the Committee still has to retrieve 3 467 forms and process another 2 602 applications in its possession. The HRV ...
The value of interpreting at the hearings 22. The Commission’s hearings yielded an extensive word harvest, probably even more extensive than that of the Nuremberg trials. If it is taken into consideration that a simultaneous interpreter produces on average between 14 000 and 20 000 words a day ...
... takes note of the explanation tendered by the PAC that its activities in the early 1990’s need to be understood in the context of the ‘land wars of the time’, it nevertheless finds that the PAC and Poqo were responsible for the commission of gross violations of human rights through ...
... SAP, regularly committed serious unlawful acts in order to support and assist Inkatha in the period prior to and during the so-called ‘seven-day war’. Esikhawini hit squad 9. The Commission found that, in 1990, senior members of the IFP conspired with senior members of the KZP to ...
intolerance among all parties, including the ANC, further, exacerbated this situation; the Commission contends that the leadership should have been aware of the consequences of training and arming members of SDUs’ in a volatile situation in which they had little control over the actions of such ...
... (particularly pertaining to assault and torture). 14 On many occasions, district surgeons examined patients with security officers or prison warders in the room, which may have inhibited patients from disclosing abuse or torture by the police. This practice also reinforced the belief of ...
... COMMITTED BY THE ANC IN EXILE Introduction 63. In its five-volume Final Report, the Commission recorded that it had received the reports of the Stewart, Skweyiya, Sachs and Motsuenyane Commissions of Inquiry. All of these commissions had been appointed by the ANC. The Commission also had sight ...
ACTS COMMITTED BY CIVILIANS PRIOR TO 1990 48. While MK operations undoubtedly contributed significantly to resistance activities, particularly in the pre-1990s period, civilian activity inside the country took place on a larger scale. The submission made to the Commission by the Foundation for ...
that the ANC at national level was pursuing a strategy of peace through negotiations. However, at a regional level, the violent conflict between the warring sides reduced the impact of the national strategy. Survival required that you be ready to defend yourself. Testimony from the amnesty ...
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