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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Apart of the process of healing in our land we hear the stories of what took place and the chief aim is reconciliation - ons soek na die waarheid. We are searching for the truth - in what we want is actually healing and reconciliation in our land and we appreciate the fact that so many people are ...
MR DE KOCK: Chairperson, I did not work with the mechanism itself, that was the work of the Technical division, but I do know that it was linked to a battery and I think it is something similar to a watch battery, so it would have run out after a period of time, which have rendered the device ...
streets and there was still this confrontation between the White people and our children and people. Because whenever the soldiers would come across our people, they would shoot those.
MR MAKOMA: It is not a normal thing to do, to know the people with their names. If you are told that these comrades are members of PAC, that should satisfy you. I was not interested in knowing their names.
MRS TONISI: We would hear from people in the township that they were in these different places. We did not receive any letters from him and he never phoned us.
CHAIRPERSON: ...(inaudible) an affidavit from those people attached to this?
trial that followed. So I would like to ask you to perhaps start from the actual day of the incident, the 13th of November and tell us from there onwards what happened to you. --- I am going to ask for forgiveness that I am not educated, first of all, I will not be able to give the dates in ...
MR LEWIN: Could I ask, just to go back, before I pass onto other people who might have other questions. How old was your son when he left in 1976?
CHAIRMAN: I just want to ask you a question. Were there any endeavours to report the Government, because your people came back from detention in ill-health. I do not know whether you understand me well?
The present Applicants, save for Brigadier Schoon, are the people who participated in the attack on the house used by Nyanda as a transit house in Mbabane, when Nyanda and McFadden wwas killed. Their evidence as to the motive for the attack and the details relating thereto agreed with those of ...
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you Reverend for starting our day for us by a prayer. We welcome people who are going to appear before the Commission to-day on our last day in Kingwilliam’s Town. We will ask Ms Maya to give us the order of the day. Thank you Mr Chairperson.
Applicant indicated that in the turbulent political mood that prevailed at the time, white people were regarded as the political enemy and were generally accepted as targets for attack by political activists. The attack upon the deceased was not planned but as Applicant indicated, they were only ...
MR KHOTLE: We are people of flesh and blood, we should be able to have food and have guns so that we would be able to continue with the struggle.
GEN COETZEE: Chairperson, the position was as follows. When I appeared before a Regional Commission I asked them, with respect, great respect, the Chairman at that stage was Archbishop Tutu, whether he or the legal advisors of the Commission was of the opinion that for want of a better definition, ...
MR PRINSLOO: And the Sannieshof Liquor Store, the person there, Mr Pereiro says in affidavit on page 98 of the documents, that it was only done because black people attended that hotel, is that true?
The Committee is aware that the IFP has consistently stated that they were not involved and did not associate themselves with violence or robberies. There is, however, abundant evidence in various applications that party members and supporters were involved in the inter-party warfare and that ...
... the commissar's weapon for his (Deegan's) personal collection. He conceded that Deegan had made no such mention in his statement, that he was not aware of any such collection of Deegan's, that Deegan had never told applicant of such motive or collection. He could not explain why he had said ...
The Deceased, together with Bheki Nkosi, was arrested on Thursday 9th June 1988 in a flat he shared with the said Nkosi in Hillbrow, Johannesburg. They were arrested by members of the West Rand Division of the Security Branch who were assisted by the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Applicants. After their ...
They all apply for amnesty in respect of murder and unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition. The incident which gives rise to these applications occurred on Saturday 12 February 1994 at an informal settlement at Zevenfontein in the Randburg municipal area. During the late afternoon of that ...
MR BOOYENS: Certainly, Chairperson, I will ask my colleagues who have got access to a library, whether they could oblige us in this regard, people like Mr Hattingh or Mr Visser or somebody like that.
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